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Recipes with Egg whites

Appetizers Pepper Salt Spinach roulade bottoms: (approximately 4 bottoms) ...

Spinach roulade bottoms: the spinach be thawed and knuges free of moisture, then chop it in a blender. Eggs whipped foamy. Egg foam and the pureed spinach mix well. This mass is distributed on 4 PCs. wax paper where the edges are folded up (it must fit the sau

Cakes Chocolate coating Egg whites Chocolate butter cream ...

It all stirred together and roll out onto the greased as has continental or round cakes. Let cakes stand about an hour before the 1/2 afbages by 180 degrees for approx. 15 min. Vaflerne summed 2 PCs with chocolate creme and dipped in chocolate coating on the b

Soups Ice cubes Egg yolk Puff pastry ...

Put a couple of mushroom. Soup vegetables cleaned and together with mushroom and chicken breast is run through the mincer. Forcemeat is stirred together with some crushed isterniner, peppercorns, bay leaf, egg whites and thyme. Pour into saucepan and broth pou

Desserts (cold) Serving orange-chocolate ice cream Hazelnut kernels Sugar ...

Run the nuts and sugar in food processor for the content is almost like flour. Whip the whites much stiffener and invert sugar and nut sugar in a roasting pan, Serve. 25 * 35, with wax paper. Butter the paper and pour batter into well with dulle. Behind the bo

Cakes in form 1 dl raisins Salt Cheasy a-38 ...

All ingredients are mixed well together-possibly with the mixer or hand mixer-use dejkrogene. Pour into a small roasting pan or springform lined with baking paper. Bake for one hour at 175 degrees.

Midnight snacks Curry Butter Sweet mustard ...

Butter French bread or toast with butter and a thin layer of sweet mustard. Advantage the prawns on the loaves. Beat the egg whites until stiff and stir them with mayonnaise. Season with curry and sweet mustard. Advantage of all mass loaves mayonnaise. Behind

Cookies Baking powder Egg whites Icing sugar ...

Whites half whipped, the tonsils are painted very fine with or without shell, antler salt sifted together with icing sugar. All kneaded and shaped through kødhakkemaskinen in long rods. Bake at low heat.

Cookies Baking powder Egg whites Cocoa ...

Icing sugar, antler salt and cocoa sifted together. Egg whites stirred hereby, and when dough becomes stiff, knead the rest of the sugar in with the tonsils, which are already popped and finely chopped. Formed as vanillekranse and bake at low heat.