Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coconut milk

Appetizers Eggs Finely grated ginger root Onion ...

Skate wing fillets. Sprinkle the two pieces with a little salt and put them to one side while the filling is prepared. Melt butter and steam spinach, groftrevet carrot and finely chopped onions. Stir in ginger and coconut milk in the vegetables and cook in for

Mains Olive oil Salt Fresh Rosemary chopped ...

Saute the garlic, chilli and Rosemary in a saucepan with the olive oil. Add the cans of coconut milk and chopped tomatoes while stirring. Lime leaves and Ginger came in, and let it simmer. Season with salt. Brown koteletterne on both sides in a pan. Advanta

Mains Salt Chili powder Fresh chopped parsley ...

Heat the oil in the Pan and got onions, garlic, ginger and sauté in it all in 3 minutes. Com turmarik, chili, korriander and caraway powder and fry the whole thing for another 2 minutes. Came in and it all fry chicken pieces in about 4 minutes before the salt,

Desserts (cold) Fresh leaves of mint or lemon balm Desiccated coconut Salt ...

Beat the eggs in a bowl. Add sugar, vanilla sugar and salt and whisk it all to an airy mass. Pour the coconut milk and cream in and stir. Pour the mass of the ice maker and run to the ice is hard, about 30 min. Got coconut flour in a plate and grate it in a mi

Desserts (cold) Salt Gelatine powder Egg white ...

Got coconut milk, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Sprinkle the gelatin powder in addition to milk and stir. Cook slowly, stirring until sugar and gelatin powder is dissolved. When the cream starts to boil, be taken immediately by the flared and made for cooling.