Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coconut milk

Soups Vegetable oil Red curry paste Chopped onions ...

Cut græskarret in bite-sized pieces. Heat the oil in a large pan, add Red curry paste and onions and saute for 4 minutes. Got pumpkin, coconut milk and chicken in the pot and boil up Fund. Turn down the heat, put a lid on the pot and let simmer for 15-20

Mains Salt Whipped cream Sugar ...

Cook the pumpkin and coconut milk in a pot about 10 minutes. Add the potatoes and mushrooms and let the Court småsimre 15 minutes. Add cream, peanuts, courgette and season with salt.

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Rinse, clean and cut vegetables. Chop Basil and mix it with the butter. Cut a pocket in the kulkunbrystet and got butter mixture in there. Close the hole with a kødnål. Turkey Breast Brown on the Pan and place in tinfoil with white wine. Got it in the oven

Porridge & gruel About half a teaspoon of salt , round grain milled Coconut milk ...

Coconut milk and water to the boil. Add rice and boil while stirring to the rice exactly are tender-ca. 35 minutes. Cooked porridge for too long can consistency have a tendency to be a bit "tough". Season with salt, porridge is served piping hot with cinnamon

Sauces Fish sauce Coconut milk Sugar ...

Coconut milk is heated up to the boiling point in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add the other ingredients, one at a time while stirring and in that order. Do not use the lid and do not let the sauce boil vigorously, since coconut milk easily separates by exces

Mains Fund poultry Red bell pepper Fresh grated ginger ...

Slice the Turkey meat into cubes approximately 2 cm. Put them in a bowl and mix them with grated ginger, pressed garlic, curry powder and half of the coconut milk. Grate the chopped peanuts on a dry pan. Clean the leek and cut it into strips lengthwise.

Mains Pepper Salt Coconut milk ...

Share the chicken in small pieces, and rub them well with salt. Onion and garlic peeled and chopped fine. The ginger peeled and cut into thin strips. The lower part of the washed lemon grass also cut in fine strips. Heat the oil in a relatively large pan an

Sides Olive oil Salt Fennel a little fresh thyme ...

Slice the fennel and Leek into suitable pieces. pour a little olive oil in the Pan and warm it up first. Add fennel-Leek-thyme and then risvins vinegar and lime juice and a little salt. Pour coconut milk over the Court and let simmer 5 to 10 minutes.