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Recipes with Chopped almonds

Cookies Chopped almonds Pearl sugar Together the beaten egg white ...

Margarine and break into pieces in the flour. The other ingredients are added and the dough is kneaded together. Let dough rest about an hour before it is rolled out into thin bars that are shaped to the doughnut, which brushed with egg white and dip first in

Cakes Eggs Lukewarm milk Raisins ...

Stir the yeast in the lukewarm milk. Add sugar, eggs, fat and wheat flour and knead the dough together with a light hand, Let dough raise under a cloth approximately 30 min. stir in fat and sugar for the filling, and add the cinnamon. Knead the dough and roll

Candy Pineapple cubes Orange cubes Half-cherry ...

Husblasen is dissolved in accordance with the instructions on the package and stirred in the kvarken. Spread the mass out in a greased form. Sprinkle the chopped almonds over. Let the mass to harden in a cool place. By server no cut it out in squares that g

Cakes in form Chopped almonds Breadcrumbs Skrallede and sliced apples ...

Advantage the apples in a greased casserole dish. Mix almonds, bread crumbs and sugar and stir in the melted butter with a fork. Advantage of the mixture over the apples and place the dish in the oven 20 min at 200 grr. Let cake cool slightly before the Apple

Cakes in form Freshly grated nutmeg Almond essence Bicarbonate of soda ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees C. If you are using a muffinsform you should lubricate it well. Mix the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, nutmeg and almonds. Com kirsebærene in a strainer and let them drain. Cut them into pieces. Stir in eggs and

Cakes in form Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Break up the butter in the flour. Add salt, sugar, eggs and cream and knead it all together. The dough is resting cold for approx. 1 hour. The dough rolled out in 1/3 cm's thickness and cut into 2 round cakes about the size of a springform. One cake is used

Cakes Baking soda Amerettolikør Milk ...

Mix milk, chocolate, almonds, sugar, liqueur in a bowl. Sift flour and baking soda in and stir fosigtigt. Whip cream foam and pipe also it very gently in so the dough is light and airy. Behind the vaflerne on a waffle iron.