Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chocolate

Cakes Coffee powder Strøget TSP baking powder Egg yolk ...

Dough: Here the first whipping the egg whites very stiff, mix the egg yolks with sugar, alternately and it all whipped strongly together. Eventually the two kinds of flour sifted with bagepulveret in, and the dough touch now easily together and distributed in

Desserts (warm) Oranges Strawberry Candied Ginger ...

Blame the strawberries and let them drip dry in a sieve. Arrow hasperne of. Arrow the oranges and section them into fillets. 3. rinse wind ruerne and nip them of stems. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a thick-bottomed saucepan on a low hea

Drinks (warm) Whipped cream NESCAFÉ Milk ...

Melt chocolate over hot water bath. Add water and milk and let Cook. Nescaféen came in and stir until it is dissolved. Serving: Advantage orange liqueur in 4 glass and pour the hot chocolate coffee in. Garnish with whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa.

Drinks (warm) Chocolate Whipped cream Vanilla sugar ...

Came the hot chocolate in the coffee along with vanillesukkeret. Pour in 4 cups and pour 2 cl cocoa liqueur in each Cup. Whip the cream to foam and set a top of each Cup.

Desserts (cold) Sugar Water Lemon juice ...

Part pærene in 2 and remove core House, let the stems sit on. Boil water, sugar and lemon juice up. Cook gently pærene in sugar sheet until they are barely tender. Take them up and let them cool off. Grate the almonds in a dry frying pan or in an oven. Got Cho

Desserts (cold) Egg white Water Ornament lot ...

The pears peeled off, the stem must be on. Boiled in syrup about 10 min. the chocolate melted in a water bath. Doughnut mass sprayed into rings approximately 6 cm. Bake in oven 190 ° 5-10 min When the cake is cold, put the cooked pears on, greased with melted

Cakes in form Icing sugar Water cocktail cherries Orange juice ...

Take the fat out of the refrigerator in good time, so it's not too hard. Stir it together with the sugar and stir the eggs in that at any one time. Stir in orange juice in. mix grated orange peel, raisins, nuts and grains into flour to be Seville oranges. Stir

Cakes in form Chocolate Milk Baking soda ...

Everything is stirred together and bake at 200 ° in 20-25 my.