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Recipes with Cherry tomatoes

Salads Fresh basil leaves Balsamic vinegar Cane sugar ...

Blame strawberries and cherry tomatoes, and let them drain. Cut both Strawberry and cherry tomatoes over in half, and place them in a large bowl. Turn the salad with balcamico and cane sugar, and place the salad on ice an hour. Turn the chopped Basil in

Mains Roasted pine nuts Red onion Chives ...

cut the potatoes into pieces and cook them for about 20 minutes. Fault ruccolaen and similar to it in a bowl. Cut the vegetables and then came in the bowl. And finally, pine kernel. When there is ca. 10 min. back of potatoes cooking time, fry the chicken fille

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes Green dill Shrimp ...

Sour cream and seafood salt mix. A tortilla and upstairs are lubricated in a thin layer of cream f. + skyldyrssalat and a little smoked salmon. This is repeated for all 6 tortillas are used. When it has drawn approximately ½ day one can correct the edges of "

Mains Oil Olievnolie Peper ...

Marinade: Stir the ingredients together, save a little chilli to the wok. Mari's second came on the pig meat and let stand for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight. The wok: mushrooms in butter in 3-5 my Rose. take them out of the wok. Then increased t

Soups Handful basil leaves Handful coriander leaves Lime ...

Cut the chicken into cubes. Galangaen in thin slices, cut the ginger into thin sticks, lemon grass into thin slices and lime bladen in tybde strips. Bring to a boil and add the boullionen galanga, ginger, lemon grass, lime leaves and fish sauce, and let it

Sides Oregano Pepper Torn mozerella ...

The tomatoes cut into cubes and put in a bowl with oil, add finely chopped hvidløgen and oregano, salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar. Mix everything gently together and benefit it in addition to the half ciabatta bread. Sprinkle grated cheese over and bake th

Salads Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

The dried kidney beans (red) soak in plenty of water the night before (in 10-12 hours). Before they are to be used, boil the approximately 45 minutes and allow to cool. Cucumber and avocado cut into cubes, halved cherry tomatoes, red onion and parsley chopped

Midnight snacks Cherry tomatoes Dill Curry ...

Butter the bread on both sides m. butter placed on a cold Pan sprinkle with curry tires with mussels and Dill cheese. Put through cut tomatoes next. Put a lid on the pan. Turn on medium heat. Wait until the bread is golden on the underside, and cheese is melte