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Recipes with Celeriac

Mains Parsley, fresh Pepper Eggs ...

Stir the meat with salt. Add pepper, eggs and grated onion. Add the flour. Then stir the milk in. Form forcemeat for meatballs with a dessert spoon and cook them on low heat 7-8 minutes in ½ l boiling salted water under the lid. Take the dough balls up with s

Mains Pepper Apples, tangy Beef broth ...

Clean the vegetables. Slice the leeks and carrots into slices. Cut the cabbage and slice the celery and potatoes into cubes. Sauté the meat in the oil to the crumbling and changes color. Add the curry powder and let it Roast with a moment before the finely

Soups The white of 2 leeks Celeriac Dry white wine ...

Start with cleaning the vegetables and cut them into smaller piece. Sauté them in a pan in butter. Add spices and tomato puree. Drag it from the heat. The live lobsters, and the cutting of clubs and body. FRY in hot oil until they start to change color, whe

Salads Pepper Roasted macademie-nuts or other nuts Salt ...

Dressing: Turn sour cream or other milk product with finely chopped white onion, lemon juice, honey, salt and pepper. Taste your dressing for, if it is too sour/sweet to your taste. The salad: grate the celery tuber in a serving bowl. Grate the selected nuts o

Mains Wheat flour A little chicken powder Oil ...

the chicken is cleaned and placed in a large pot covered with water. celery, parsnip, carrot, onion and Leek cut into coarse cubes and add the chicken cooked in about 3 hours, then pick all the meat from the chicken and the Foundation sifted. melt the butter i

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme, dried ...

Fat lining cut from pig jaws. The vegetables cut into cubes and FRY in butter and oil together thoroughly with bacon cut into cubes. Add the thyme, salt and pepper and jaw lumps and let it Brown. Add tomato puree and beer and simmer the meat is tender, a

Sides Celeriac Olive oil Parsley root ...

Root vegetables cut into 1 x 1 cm cubes. Oil and rose marin blended and sieved. Root vegetables are added on a frying pan and covered accurately with water and rosemary oil, the water boils away, and root fruit fry in the remaining oil.

Mains Onion Salt Thyme, fresh ...

The peas soaked overnight in plenty of water. Battle it out in a pot of liberally salted water and brought to the boil, and creamed off thoroughly. Boil until tender, about 2 hours. The herbs, sliced leeks, cut into cubes and boil together with battle it