Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celeriac

Mains A little oil A little sugar Pepper ...

The apples are peeled, frozen for kernels, cut into both and boiled in butter with a couple of tablespoons. water. When the apples are boiled, peel the peeled celery and cook with the apple pie, which is seasoned with a little sugar, salt and pepper. Egg yolks

Cold cuts Chili Pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are boiled until they are tender. The remaining ingredients blend together with the vegetables in a blender. The egg yolk is lubricated with olive oil, the dough is poured in and Sprinkle with rasp on top. Bake at 170-180 ° C for approx. 4

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cubes in 1 dl. water ...

Tear the bell celery. Blinds mushrooms and nuts well. If necessary, chop about 1/3 of the nuts a little coarser. Mix the celery with mushrooms and nuts and add the chopped onions. Then mix the 3 eggs in. The broth and raspberries are now mixed in the pulp, t

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Chervil Pepper ...

Brown the pork chop in rapeseed oil in a thickened pot. It is important that the pot is very hot, so the meat rises well before the other ingredients are added. Peel the shallots, halve them lengthwise and divide each half into 4 boats. Peel the celery and

Mains Basil Dijon mustard Grøntsagsbunden after frying ...

The meat: Pour off and mix the marinade, put the meat in and draw 12-24 hours in the refrigerator. Vegetable bottom: Cut the tomatoes into the tomatoes and cook them tips: Marinate the meat: Pudding to the seasons and mixing marinade, fling the meat and

Soups Fresh parsley Peeled tomatoes/2 fresh tomatoes Olive oil ...

- The bacon is cut into smaller cubes and swirled in hot oil - Broken garlic wrapped in oil - Celery, carrot, onion and potato cut into cubes (about 1 / 2X1 / 2 cm) and add to the pan. It is important that this does not take color. - Add the bouillon and th

Soups Noodles Pepper Salt ...

Place the chicken in the 2 liters of boiling chicken wool. While pilles are peeled and cut into small tern and the ginger is torn. The carrots are peeled and cut into half slices, the celery is cut into the tern and the pears cut into slices. The chicken is

Salads 1 tsp. Dijon mustard and a little pressed garlic Freshly ground pepper A little crumbled goat cheese (like feta) ...

Clean and peel the root vegetables carefully and cut them into spells of 1-2 cm. Scratch the thin strings of the blegsellerist angels. Cut it all very well on a mandolin or with a sharp knife. Chop the parsley roughly. Divide the pomegranate into quarters