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Recipes with Black peppercorns

Soups (to be used 1 dl of this Fund) (to be used 2 dl of this Fund) Brown Fund ...

Hummeren blended with a pointed knife in the middle of the head shield (although it still spræller, is the dead) The 2 claws and tail broken off, the Brown sharply in the oil. (Head is saved) Brown Fund: the legs cut into smaller pieces, the Brown in the ov

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Make vegetables the istand and mix them with red wine and spices for a marinade which poured over expensive roast. It must pull uncovered in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, like the next day. Take the roast out of the marinade and dry. SI marinade.

Mains Baking paper Bay leaf Poulard ...

Rub the inside with salt and poularden fill it with garlic, Bay, thyme and peppercorns. Just share each of the onions in the fat, let individual cloves keep shell on and then into the poularden with them. It sounds drastic, but the result will be very delicate

Mains Lemon in slices Fish (COD, mackerel, etc.) Chopped onion ...

Came the hakked onion and 3 diced carrots and salt in a saucepan. Put the fish on top and add ½ ltr. water. Bring the soup to a boil. The soup is lightly and Cook, covered, about ½ hour thereafter. The soup is filtered and made page. Marinated trout: the tr

Mains Salt Black peppercorns Dried tarragon ...

Brown beef thick flank in a pan in a little oil and butter. Add the red wine, water, salt and pepper. Let the meat småsimre ica. 2 hours. Flip it regularly. Bring water to a boil in a large pot, add a little salt. Remove the stalk of cabbage and part savoyk

Mains A small strip of yellow orange zest (1 x 5 cm) Potatoes Little sauces suit ...

Legs Brown lightly on all sides in butter or margarine. As they are finished tanned skins, they are taken up and put into a bowl. Discard the frying fat. Put the legs back into the Pan along with the herbs and orange Peal. Pour the water over and let it all

Mains Ben from beef Sirloin Beef tværreb Pepper ...

This right requires a large 10 litre soup pot. This brought 6-7 litres of water to a boil and the flesh — except marv whining-met in the water. When the water is boiling again, add a little coarse kitchen salt. Let the meat simmer in saucepan for 1 hour-rememb

Sauces Bay leaf Vinegar Water ...

Water, vinegar, bay leaf and pepper cooked in a pan to about 1 tablespoon. Egg yolks are added and legeres over water bath to it will be thick and frothy (can't be too hot!) Melt the butter and Add egg yolks and beat well for it will be a thick and creamy text