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Recipes with Baking potatoes

Sides Garlic powder Bacon Small bunch parsley ...

It washes and orders his potatoes before you put them in the oven. Then FRY once its onions Golden and then his bacon crisp, put both on a napkin. So we nicked his parsley finely, mix fried onions, bacon, parsley and garlic powder. Made on ice and used in t

Sides Oil for brushing Milk Black pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. Scrub the potatoes. The potatoes evenly pricked with a fork, and then brushed with oil. Put the potatoes on a rack, and behind them approximately 1 ½ hour in the oven. Low filling while. Cut into cubes and chop the

Sides Sour cream dressing with chives (possibly homemade) And/or other spices Pepper ...

The potatoes are shared in two and boil approximately 10-15 minutes (depending on size). Eroded the potatoes with a spoon. They should still be about one cm thick everywhere. The hollowed-out potatoes placed on a baking sheet (with baking paper) and fill

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Scrub the potatoes and bake them at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about an hour. Fry the bacon crisp and put it to drain on a paper towel, chop it fine. Mince the onion and fry it browned. Mix onion, bacon, chopped parsley and butter, cruiser with pepper. Ad

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon, thereof ...

The potatoes cut into thin slices (1 mm) Onions chopped fine. Potatoes, onions, pressed garlic and finely chopped oregano reversed in a bowl with oil, salt and pepper. Put in a greased casserole dish inserted into the oven 45 minutes at 180 degrees c. alm. ove

Sides Pepper Grated mozeralla for gratinating Salt (hold down slightly again due to bacon) ...

Behind the potatoes as directed. Fry the bacon crisp. Let the potatoes cool until you can handle them. Hollow-out the potatoes and similar to potato "flesh" in a bowl. Mash potato "flesh" with a fork, add cream (a little at a time) until it is creamy/mashed po

Mains Frying oil Wheat flour Pepper ...

The potatoes are cooked very tender in water without salt, steamed dry and moses. The fish is cooked tender in plenty of water with thyme and salt. Onion and garlic chopped finely and FRY in the oil until tender. the fish are picked and add the onions to

Sides Grated cheese at will Chopped Basil Chopped dill ...

Scrub karfoflerne well and dry them and put them in a baking dish. Put in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 -45 min (I thought that goes over an hour and a quarter!) or until tender. Cut a lid of each and remove the potato mass out. The moses and stirred with but