Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bacon

Mains A few onion rings A few slices of tomatoes Crushed garlic ...

Sauté tomatoes, onions and crushed garlic in some butter at griilstegepladen in approximately 3 minutes. Stir in the meantime eggs with cream and mix the ingredients with the pork vegetables at grlllstegepladen. Let Cook for about 2 minutes. Season before serv

Mains Vinegar Pepper Salt ...

Melon be able and cut in large cubes. Melon, sugar and water in a saucepan, and brought to the boil. It should cook for a 10 minutes at low heat, until it has got a thick consistency. In the meantime FRY baconon crisp. The sauce is blended and pour back into t

Soups Fresh Chervil Sour cream (38%) Whipped cream ...

Small diced bacon Sauté in pan, add leeks, finely cut reversed around until they are soft. Also the potatoes into cubes (1 cm.) granted and the sauterer in ca. 10 min. pour in the Broth sprinkled with thyme. And cook at low heat, covered, for about 30 minutes

Mains Pepper Red currant jelly Salt ...

Brown the meat on a dry Pan Sprinkle with salt and pepper Ombind them with a piece of bacon put them in a casserole dish and add the milk or cream, place them in the oven for about an hour Si væden, who smoothed over and season with a few spoonfuls red currant

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Melt 50 g butter and Brown the Turkey Breast is nicely browned on all sides in a pan or in the frying pan. Season with salt and pepper. Take the chest up and cut deep cracks along the length of the breast. Com cream cheese in the cracks. Rinse the fresh spinac

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Sauté the meat in oil, chop the onions and slice the bacon finely and fry it with at the end. Cut the white cabbage and dried tomatoes into fine cubes and add them to the meat and onions at the same time that lulled the heat. Add the garlic, salt, pepper and a

Lunch Puff pastry Bacon ...

Let the puff pastry thaw and share each plate into 4 equal-sized rectangular parts that rolled easily off in length so the bacon and the puff pastry has the same length. Put a piece of bacon in 1 paragraph puff pastry and twist it to a frøsnapper these bake in

Mains Wholemeal bread Mustard Parsley ...

Cut the cabbage into thin white boats. Clean the leeks, carrots and potatoes. Cut the leeks into 5 cm long pieces. Share the carrots and potatoes, if they are large. Put vegetables, neck fillets and bacon in a large pot along with grain mustard, peppercorns