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Lunch recipes

Lunch Baking soda Oil Pumpkin seeds (unsalted) ...

Everything is mixed and kneaded. Divide into 2. Roll out thinly between 2 pieces of baking paper. Cut into appropriate pieces. Bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. tips: Gossiped in a cage box. Easy to bake.

Lunch Cucumber Bread A little Cress or parsley ...

The chickpeas are put in soft eight hours. Pour the soaking water out and cook the peas in fresh water and two vegetable broth cubes for 40 minutes. Pour chickpeas into a blender or a food processor. Remember to keep the boiler water. Add the rest of the ingre

Lunch Lime juice Pepper Salt ...

Cut the advocado and pepper in cubes and put it in a bowl. Pour the water from the tuna and mix it with the lawyer and the peppers, but be careful not to get to the moss lawyer. Pour cream craiche into the amount you think is appropriate. Season with salt,

Lunch Cheese (21%) Pine nuts Red bell pepper ...

Pour the oil out of the tuna and place in the bottom of a refractory dish. Peel the peppers and sprinkle over the tuna. Add cheese as needed, put in the oven at 150 degrees until the cheese melts. Shake the pine nuts on a dry pan and sprinkle over the che

Lunch Lettuce leaves for garnish Butter Nicely cauliflower head ...

Cook the cauliflower until it's just tender. Cut the bacon into small cubes and grate them easily on a frying pan. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and heat them with the peas in a pan of butter. Put the boiled cauliflower on a dish. Pour tomato, pea mixture over.

Lunch Avocadoes Cottage cheese Shrimp ...

Half the avocados and arrow the stone out. Then they are filled with rain and on top come a layer of cottage cheese. tips: A small nip of paprika on top for an improved taste.

Lunch Coarse salt Wheat flour Margarine ...

Beat the eggs in a bowl, whisk with salt and flour to a dough without lumps. Add the milk a little at a time. Heat a pan well and add a little margarine and stir the pancakes. Keep warm until the filling is on. Make a taste of meat / vegetable filling an

Lunch Flat-leaf parsley White pepper Radishes ...

The court is quite simple! Mix the cream fraiche mayonnaise and chives in a bowl and season with salt and pepper (remember that the trout is quite salty by itself) and then peel the trout fillets and turn them into the dressing. Instead of chives you can cut