Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Meljævning Salt Butter for frying ...

Clean the sirloin and put them in a bowl and pour the porridge over until it covers. Add crushed juniper berries and let the meat pull for at least 5 hours.

Take the meat and say the port wine. Bring some butter in a saucepan and brown the meat all the way ...

Sides Salt Corn flour Water ...

Put the water into a saucepan. Add flour and salt when boiling water. Stir well until the mixture becomes even (5-10 min). If the seed gets stuck in the bottom of the pan, add more water. The porridge must be very thick.

It is important not to confuse corn ...

Sauces Salt Oil Large onion ...

Chop well and pour golden oil into a pan. Stir well. Add tomato paste. Rinse the lenses and pour them into the pan. Mix it all with stirring. Sprinkle with salt. Add the water and let it boil. Let the simmer simmer for low heat for 30-40 minutes....

Sides Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Cut the cabbage well and steam the butter in salted water for 10-12 minutes. Shake a smoothing of 1 1/2 dl milk and flour and pour it under stirring. Add the rest of the milk and let the stew cook for 2-3 minutes. Taste with nutmeg, salt and pepper.


Drinks (warm) Cinnamon Cardamom Milk ...

Pour milk and water into a saucepan. Add cardamom and cinnamon and put the vanilla dish. Cook it all. Add toe and let it pull. Put on a mug or a jug. Add sugar to taste....

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Chop the onions and brown them well in the oil. Add carrot and tomato cut into tern, peanuts and curry and brown it with a few minutes. Add lemon juice and 3 dl water and let the sauce boil 20 minutes under the lid. Blend the sauce and season with salt...

Pickling Preservative Apricots Peaches ...

The stones are taken out and all fruits are scalded and flaked. The stones are crushed and some of the kernels are mixed with the fruit meat and boiled with the sugar in a thick pot for approx. ½ hour. Stir in the pan and you may. Pass the mass through a sieve...

Mains Crushed corn flakes Paprika Pepper ...

Whip the eggs together and turn the chicken pieces into it and afterwards into the broken cornflakes. Bring the chicken into an ovenproof dish, season with salt and pepper and raise at 190 ° C for approx. 40-50 min. Or until the meat is tender. Turn the potato...