Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whole milk

Cakes in form Ginger, crushed Baking soda Cinnamon, ground ...

Mix flour, baking soda and spices in a bowl. Bring butter, dolphin, syrup, milk and egg in a saucepan and warm it up stirring until the butter is melted. Pour it into the dry ingredients and stir the dough together. Distribute the dough into 15 molds and bakin

Soups Cauliflower Onion Garlic ...

Saute cauliflower in bouquets, chopped onion and garlic in a saucepan for a few minutes in the butter. Then cook and boil for 25 minutes. Add milk and blend, come back to the stove and season with salt and pepper. When serving, whip the butter, sprinkle

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

Cut the pork breast into ½ cm thick slices if you want crisp pork. Thick slices often produce pork that is soft inside. Dip the slices dry with kitchen roll. On the forehead: warm the forehead well up. Place the slices on the forehead and brown them ½-1 min

Lunch Onion Pepper fruit Butter ...

Heat green cabbage into whole milk. Take the pot off. Cut potatoes and onions in cubes. Cut the peppers into strips. Stir potatoes and onions in butter approx. 5 min. On a teflon pan. Add the peppers. Whip the eggs with kale, milk, potato flour, 1 teaspoon. Sa

Lunch Pepper Salt Whole milk ...

Stir the bacon crispy on a dry forehead. Put it on the drain on a piece of greasy paper or paper roll. Whip the eggs together. Stir maizena into the milk and add the eggs together with salt and pepper. Beat it lightly. Heat a pan with a little oil and po

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Grated nutmeg ...

Broccoli boils al dente. Toast bread is soaked in milk. Pure broccoli, the soaked bread, egg, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Bring 2 dl mornaysauce i. The pulp is poured in greased and shredded form. Bake in oven at 160 degrees for approx. 35-40 min. The remaining m

Cake add-ons Egg yolk Vanilla pod Corn flour cornstarch ...

Sugar, maizena and vanilla grains are mixed and whipped well with 1 dl of milk. Finally add the egg yolk. The remaining 4 dl of whole milk is boiled in a pan with the empty vanilla bar. As soon as the milk boils, add the other ingredients. Boil for 5 sec

Cake add-ons Vanilla sugar Eggs Wheat flour ...

Put the milk in a boil. Eggs, sugar and flour are stirred together. The boiling milk is dripped while stirring. The cream is poured back into the pan and given a boil. It is cooled and whipped and seasoned with vanilla