Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water or soup

Soups Pepper Grated cheese The season's vegetables URf.eks white cabbage cauliflower celery green beans and the like ...

The oil and the bacon, which is sliced into strips, warmed in the pan. The chunks of vegetables, peeled tomatoes (without seeds) and the pressed garlic cloves Sauté with. It all seasoned with salt pepper and have to thin water down up with soup, water and whit

Mains Curry Marjoram Nutmeg ...

The meat is cut into 2-3 cm. large cubes. Brown in the fat in an open pan. Came the finely chopped onion and sauté them in a little. The flour sprinkled over, and who have to thin water down with water or soup. Add the mushrooms + water from the can, the small