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Recipes with Vodka

Drinks (cold) Sugar Black currant Vodka ...

Pulls in 190 days would come some leaves from black currant Bush while the porters pulls.

Drinks (cold) Bacardi rum Lemon Coca cola ...

Mix in glass with ice. Stained EVS with cola.

Drinks (cold) Lime juice from here Cointreau Cranberry juice ...

Put the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Strain into cocktail glass

Drinks (cold) Cointreau Vodka Orange juice ...

Mix the ingredients in a long drink glass with ice and stir.

Drinks (cold) Baileys Kahlúa Ice cubes ...

Ingredients shakes and your drink is served.

Drinks (cold) Champagne Vodka Orange juice ...

Orange juice and vodka is poured into a glass. Fill up with champagne.

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Sprite Blue curacao ...

The ingredients are mixed in a glass, and drink are served.

Drinks (cold) Pineapple juice Ice cream Gin ...

Gin, vodka and Southern Comfort shakes with ice and pour into a glass. Make up with pineapple juice