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Recipes with Vinegar

Mains Fish heads and bones Carrot Bay leaf ...

First prepare the fish Fund by letting fish heads and legs Cook gently in wine together with herbs and spices. When it has boiled ½ hour, sies Fund from, is there more than that will be used to just barely cover the salmon slices cooked into the Fund. Sprin

Pickling Pepper Leaf celery Red pepper ...

Celery and beans cut into small slices, carrots and peppers cut into small cubes, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and horseradish is cooked together. Vegetables cooked almost tender in vinegar mixture at 20-25 minutes and the last 10 min. Cook the vegetables with

Mains Salt French mustard Curry ...

Fish fillets salt about 10 minutes, after which the tøres in some paper towel. Inserts porrene into small pieces and boil them in 2 min. Sauce: it all stirred together. Fish fillets out in a heat-proof platter, gravy poured over the top and finally adde

Sides Wheat starch Honey Collmanns mustard ...

Brown mustard and mustard collmanns with sugar and sifted. Salt, vinegar and water mixed up wheat starch is heated in a water bath for the forklistrer. Honey is added and then the mustard and sugar mixture Tips: Portion is ca. 1 km.

Pickling Garlic Green bell pepper Whole ginger ...

The cleaned fruits and the scalded, peeled onions chopped fine or be painted through a kødmaskine. Everything is mixed, pour over with vinegar, sugar, syrup and salt. Spices and Ginger are added by. The mass brought slowly to a boil and boil about 10 minutes.

Pickling Allspice, ground Cayenne pepper Ginger, crushed ...

The peeled, trimmed, washed onions and raisins, gooseberry run through the machine. Mix in canning pan with the other ingredients. Then put it over the fire and the cooker provide stirring occasionally, until it is as thick gruel. Pour it into clean jars

Sides Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Stir in egg yolks, vinaigre, salt and pepper together. It is easiest to mix it evenly in a round-bottomed Bowl. Carefully pour the oil in drop by drop at first, and then in a thin beam, while you touch. Let it take its time. You can also use a food processo

Dressing Cucumber Sour cream 18% Vinegar ...

Getting all the ingredients in a blender and serve dressing over fintsnittet white cabbage.