Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Thyme

Mains Eggs Pepper Salt ...

The pores are cleansed and cut into thin rings. Carrots and potatoes are peeled and cut into small terns. The mushrooms are cleansed and cut in half or quarters, depending on the size. Pears and carrots are swirled in the oil for a moment. The potatoes are

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Cut sponges and onions into smaller slices and sauté them on a teflon pan. Get a little butter. Stir the dad with the other ingredients and add onion and mushrooms. Form for a bread and tire with parma ham. Potatoes are scrubbed and halved and brushed with oil

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Sprinkle the lamb with small pieces of garlic and rub with spices and salt. The saucepan is placed in a small pan and browns approx. 15 minutes at 225 degrees. White wine is poured on and the lamb crumbles for approx. 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 hour at approx. 180 degrees

Mains Leaf parsley Chili Dill ...

Cut red onions in small tern, approx. 10 x 10 mm. Cut the tomatoes into small boats or terns. Divide the half fennel knot into coarse pieces. Blame the salad and herbs and chop it very roughly. Mix it all together, season the spices and mix again, be careful w

Mains Pepper Pepper Mill Salt ...

Sauce: Beetroot and mustard onion cut into smaller pieces and sautees. Then pour white wine vinegar on and boil completely. Then pour white wine and boil half in. Finally add the fish fund and boil still with scalding until 4 dl remains. The sauce is purified

Mains Black peppercorns Chinese soy sauce Porter ...

Pour gates, blackberry juice and soy in the pan. Add the spices, broths, crushed garlic and portion the large onion roughly. Let the mixture boil. Put the meat in the liquid. Boil for approx. 2 hours at low heat (simmer). After 1 hour, the steps are reversed.

Salads Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Peel the sweet potatoes and divide them along. Cut them into centimeters pieces and put them on a baking sheet with baking paper. Season with thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper. Sprinkle a couple of tablespoons. Olive oil over. Behind the potatoes in the oven

Salads Boiled water Vinegar Oil ...

The marinade is mixed and the potatoes come in. Draws 1 day before serving.