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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes Eggs Water Vanilla sugar ...

Sugar and eggs are stirred together, after which the other ingredients are added, and the whole thing stirred into a uniform mass. Bake in 2 well lubricated and slightly mealy plates as follows: On each plate is placed 8 equal portions of dough, which irone

Cakes in form Cardamom Melted butter Sugar ...

The yeast stirred into cold milk, flour and the other ingredients kneaded in a uniform dough, which raises to double in size in a warm place, covered. 1/3 part of the dough is formed into a ball, and the rest is split into 4 equal pieces, each of which is f

Cakes in form Eggs Pineapple juice Baking soda ...

Fill: the fat is melted and poured into a springform with flat bottom, approx. 24 cm., powder sugar sprinkled on, and on top of the 7 slices of pineapple. The fat and sugar is stirred together. The fat should be softened to a consistency like mayonnaise, an

Cakes in form Milk Magarine Eggs ...

All ingedienserne are mixed in a bowl. That is stirred into the mix with a hand mixer, then so dough will be breezy. The dough then filled in a cake form, and bake at 175 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Tips: The cake tastes super good with a thin layer of icin

Desserts (cold) Sugar Marzipan Coxorange apples ...

The apples is split in half and carpels are removed. Remove a little extra æblekød so the hole will be large enough to fill. Grate the nougat and marzipan coarsely and stuffing it in the apples. Sprinkle the apples with sugar and behind them v. 200 degrees for

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Water ...

1. melt the butter in a bowl 2. stir in sesame seeds, sugar, salt and water in and add the wheat flour 3. knead the dough well roll out dough out on a floured board to a thickness of about 2 mm. Plug the crackers out of a glass with a diameter of about 7 cm. P

Desserts (warm) Lemon juice Sugar Banana ...

Banana and kiwi cut into small pieces and put in the fridge. the Apple, cinnamon, lemon juice, cooked to mush. The Bush poured over banana and kiwi. More youghurten and maybe a little whipped cream is poured. All fruits can URbruges.alt after taste. Bon appéti

Cakes in form 2 tbsp Eggs Cinnamon ...

Cut French bread into small cubes. Free apples for core housing and cut them into pieces. Put apples and franskbrøds cubes in a bowl. Whisk eggs, sugar and milk and pour over bread and apples. Turn around, so fruit and bread are covered. Pour batter into a gre