Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Boiling water Wheat flour Melted butter-not brown! ...

Lubricate melt and sugar and mix with hand mixes. Say flour, cocoa, vanilla sugar and baking soda and whip thoroughly with the hand mixer. Finally, bring eggs and boiling water and then whip at the second highest speed with the hand mixer in a block unti

Cakes in form Juice from 2-3 lime Egg yolk Sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 180ºC. Common heat Use a round jump shape. Grab the bottom of the spring shape into the stanchion roll, put the mold back on and close over the stanchion. Then fold the remaining stanniol over the edge of the mold. Melt the butter an

Cookies Baking powder Whipped cream Sugar ...

Take the soft margarine and cut it if necessary. In smaller pieces, it's easier to work with. Pour sugar into the margarine and mix it to a lot. Then add cream and mix well, then slightly deeraxal salt and mix well again. Finally, pour a little flour at a

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Beer Nut or almond flakes ...

Pancakes: Whip everything except butter, along with electric whips, and there will be no lumps. Stir the butter in. Let the dough rest approx. 10 min. Before baking for thin pan-cakes on a not too large slip-pan. Peel the apples and cut them in both. Let the

Mains Bacon Minced beef Cheese ...

Dough: land the fresh yeast with sugar in a medium-sized bowl and whip the lukewarm water in. The mixture is left for 10 minutes. The tile shakes. Sieve flour and salt in a large bowl and make a drip in the middle, pour the yeast mixture into and then the oli

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Oranges, the shell of which Orange juice, freshly squeezed ...

Egg yolks are whipped with sugar. Sweet milk whipped cream is boiled and added to the egg mass in a thin beam under thorough whipping; The mass is returned to the pan under low heat (or best under water bath) and heated / whipped until it thickens and the foam

Drinks (warm) Juice of ½ lemon The peel of ½ lemon (grated) Red wine ...

Sugar and water are mixed and poured over the flask when the sugar is dissolved, the cinnamon sticks, carnations, lemon juice and the tornado are dissolved. The whole is boiled for approx. 10 min. And then allowed to cool for approx. 2 hours. The whole is

Cookies Melted butter Baking soda udrørt in 2 tbsp. boiling water Brown sugar ...

Stir the dry ingredients together, add butter and baking soda to water. Be tipped to balls like oatmeal sprouts, place on a baking sheet and press gently flat with a fork Add if necessary. More butter if they do not hang together. Bake at 200 degrees for 15