Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spring onions

Appetizers Oil Pepper Chives ...

pancakes Whip egg, milk and flour to sliced ​​rest a block add spinach and salt. fill Chop the vegetables well and mix with cottage cheese, season with salt / pepper.

Mains 1 (14.5 ounce) can Italian-style diced tomatoes, drained 1 large courgette (Zucchini?) cut into long ribbons Bread ...

Order the vegetables according to taste (tern, strips) Boil the pasta. Cut the meat into slices. - Make the sauce: In a saucepan, sauté onion and garlic in olive oil over medium heat. Make sure it does not burn. Add tomatoes, basil, oregano, salt and pepp

Mains Olive oil for frying Garlic cut into small pieces Medium-sized carrot finely grated (or 1 cup of grated squash squeezed dry) ...

In a large bowl mix the boiled quinoa, cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, carrots, eggs, flour, spring onion, sugar, pepper, cumin, salt and garlic. Heat a pan and put a couple of teaspoonful olive oil over medium-low heat. The mixture will be a little sticky. S

Mains Pepper Salt Magarine/butter ...

Cut the bacon into small strips and brown it in a saucepan, remove it and put it aside. Brown the chops one moment on each side until they get color and then remove them and put them in a large ovenproof dish, then lay the bacon down over / next to it. Cut

Mains Bulgur salad Pepper Salt ...

DELLER: Pepper, spring onion, and ckille chopped and stirred together with beef, eggs and flour. The garlic is peeled and squeezed in the farmer. The feta is crumbled in the dad (not too fine there may be little chunks). Finally add salt and pepper to taste.

Salads Salt Cottage cheese Avocado ...

Cut the cooked cold potatoes into smaller pieces and mix with cottage cheese. Slice avocado, sugar peas and spring onions into small pieces and mix with the potatoes. Add spinach and lemon juice and stir well until the spinach leaves fall slightly. Taste wi

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Cut chicken into small pieces, cut into cubes, squeeze and whip it all together on the forehead / wokgryde (add some salt and pepper here to give the chicken a little flavor too). Pour bamboo shoots and baby maize in. Cut the onions and chili and put them in,

Appetizers Pepper Salt Red chili ...

The fish is spread over four plates. The eggs are cut into coarse pieces and placed on the center of the fish. Smoked cheese, milk, dijonnaise, chopped garlic and crushed pickled garlic are stirred together and seasoned with salt and pepper. The mixture is s