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Recipes with Spaghetti

Mains Pepper Curry Olive oil ...

The onions chopped, potatoes cut into slices, carrots, white cabbage chop coarsely torn. The oil is heated in a pan add the Curry, onion and sauté beef in it. Potatoes, water, salt and pepper place in, boil at low heat for 10 minutes. Carrots, cabbage

Mains Freshly ground pepper Grated parmesan Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large saucepan or a sauté pan and fry the meat 3-4 my while stirred in the Peel the onion and celery and carrots. Onions and celery cut into thin slices and carrots cut into cubes of approx. 2 x 2 cm. Up arrow individual cloves garlic and cut

Mains Bacon Grated cheese Spaghetti ...

Take the bacon out of the package and put it on the Pan fry it to a is golden brown. Boil the spaghetti and take a bowl and put the spaghetti into the bowl. Then put the bacon and the juice into the bowl and stir it around. Put the cheese in a small bowl an

Mains Fresh vegetables-scraps of meat or fish Fresh spices or just dried (as needed-like to diligently use of "Spice-drawer") Spaghetti ...

Set water to boil first.---Spaghetti as needed (plenty) of boiling and cooked in salted water (one and a half spskf.) URpr.lit. pour a little canola oil on top-cooked in the meantime have you used 10-15 min. frying pan to letbrune onions and letkogte vegetable

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

The onion cut into cubes and sauté with chicken in oil until onions are soft and clear. Then sprinkled karryen over and warmed with a couple of minutes. Then add the peeled chopped tomatoes and broth. The right cooker for about 10-15 minutes. While the righ

Mains Freshly ground pepper Grated parmesan Salt ...

Rose oil and meat in a large pot. Onions and celery cut into thin slices. The carrots cut into cubes. Garlic cut into fine thin slices. Came the vegetables in the pot with the meat. Add the tomato puree and red wine. Stir well. The Court let simmer witho

Mains Mushroom Cream el cream fine Green bell pepper ...

Take a frying pan. When it is hot added bacon at (which is cut into slices). Then ham, mushrooms and finally bell peppers (so it will not be soft). So approx. 0.5 dl. hot water with dissolved cube in. Finally, cream and spices. Tips: Bacon can be cut out w

Mains Other spices according to taste Chili powder Dark Rum ...

Heat olive oil in a saucepan. Grate the onion into the Pan and fry the meat in the Pan and Brown. come it. It is important that the meat will be divided into small pieces, otherwise it is not stuck on spaghetti when eating. Tomato puree and spices came in the