Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Semi-skimmed milk

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Salt ...

Brown the bacon in a pan without fat Add the chopped onion, and fry them without Brown too much Brown the meat lightly with onion and Bacon Add the paprika, tomato puree and water, and cook about 15 minutes with lid Add the peeled tomatoes, garlic

Mains A big bottle of beauvais tomato ketchup = 900 g Onion Semi-skimmed milk ...

First Scram: potatoes cooked in small pieces (tærninger) (to be cooked before ...) . Onion chop (or blinded) Sausages cut into pieces. onions and sausages Brown card in pot. potatoes added. Add salt and peper after own taste. " com in milk (not everything y

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Sauté the meat. Add the spices, curry powder, paprika and pepper and saute it with the onion and got it in. chop together with tomatoes. Add the bouillon cube and cook approximately 10 min. Smooth with the flour and cook an additional approx. 5 min. cut the po

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs and sesame seeds Cucumber Baking soda ...

Get the children to measure flour and oatmeal and mix it up with baking soda. Then they knead the soft butter in the batter. Let them Peel the carrot and tear it. They must mix the grated carrot in conjunction with milk for the dough is soft. With a little flo

Cakes in form Salt Milk (1 medium) Apple peeled and grated ...

Butter about 8 muffins holes with fat. Mix in a large bowl flour, sugar, soda, cinnamon and salt. Mix in another large bowl carrot, Apple, raisins, nuts and coconut flakes. In a small bowl mix eggs, melted butter, milk and vanilla sugar. Mix the carrot mixt

Soups Pepper Corn starch Fennel in 1 cm cubes ...

Sauté the vegetables in the oil without Brown. Add the stock and water and let it boil at the even heat for 20 min. Blend a little more than half of the vegetables along with a bit of the soup. Pour the mixed soup back into the pot and cook it through for a mo

Cakes in form Pineapple. canning Semi-skimmed milk Raisins ...

Boil the milk and pour the coconut flour. Let it stand and pull in about 10 minutes. Stir in margarine, eggs and sweetener together Tubes coconut mixture in. mix flour and baking powder and stir it into the batter. Turn the pineapple chunks and raisins g

Lunch (to go) Salt Minced chives Semi-skimmed milk ...

Mix all the dry together in a bowl. Whisk eggs, milk and butter together in another bowl. Tubes so slowly the wet into the dry, so it doesn't lump and turn eventually filling in the dough. The filling is dry, can adjust the consistency with a little more milk.