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Recipes with Rice

Mains Bouillon cube Red bell pepper Oil ...

The onion chopped into cubes and FRY in oil in a pan, add rice and water When the water comes to a boil again, add bouillon cube, put a lid on the pot and let it boil after regulation at risposen. In the meantime, cut the bacon into cubes and FRY in a pan (

Mains Chili powder Flute Greek yogurt ...

Mix 1/4-½ liter of Greek yogurt with 2 tablespoons of tandoorikrykkeri (can be purchased from the local greengrocer). Mix, if desired little chili powder and garlic in it (tandoori spice is a little strong in advance). The marinade is poured over the thawed ch

Mains Green curry paste Chicken breast Rice ...

Cut the chicken breast into strips and fry them in a wok with 2 tbsp green curry paste. When the chicken is completely done leaning to coconut milk over and give it a short rehash. The chicken should not simmer in coconut milk, it simply just warmed up in cour

Mains Vegetables Margarine Pepper ...

1: turn on the oven at 200 degrees. 2: Pour the vegetables into a heat-proof platter. 3: Eggs, salt and pepper whisked together. 4: Koteletterne paneres in eggs and crumbs. Melt the margarine in a frying pan, and koteletterne FRY until they are golden brown. 5

Mains Eggs Vegetables Breadcrumbs ...

The vegetables are added in an ovenproof dish. Koteletterne paneres and fried in the pan until golden brown. Then they added up in the dish and sausen poured money besides. The dish placed into on 200 degrees for 30-45 minutes. The rice is served along with th

Desserts (cold) Milk Sugar cubes Chocolate ...

turn on the oven to 200 degrees warm came the rice in a heat-proof platter benefit them well grate the chocolate and put it 10 PCs. sugar on top pour milk over and eventually style dish in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes let it cool off before getting s

Mains Allspice Rice Sage, dried ...

Start by cooking the rice according to instructions on package. Cut the top of the hokaidoerne and remove the seeds with a spoon Chop the onion and sauté it with meat onions chop into mindres pieces and turned into the meat along with the rice to taste with

Mains Breadcrumbs Risgrød of 4 dl. water Melted butter ...

put half of the cooked cabbage and the cooked carrot (cut into slices) in a heat-proof platter then forcemeat and over again the rest of the carrot and cabbage and finally risgrøden bestrø pudding with breadcrumbs and pour the melted margarine over bake for 1