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Recipes with Rice

Appetizers Rice Madæble Wheat flour ...

A greasy dish is lubricated with the oil. The apple is peeled and cut into thin boats. Cut the onion into small pieces and the tomatoes in slices and cut the cod fillet into large pieces. Flour salt and curry balndes and cod turn in this mixture. Fish, onions

Mains Fresh cilantro coarsely chopped Rice Eggplant ...

Put the rice into rice cooks. The ingredients are cut into small pieces and put into water. Everything is going on. Boil to boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile, the deliciously spicy sauce is made. Bring coconut and green chili along with water, bir

Mains Margerine Cayenne pepper Fresh chili ...

Come marg. On the forehead and let it melt, curry and cayenne pepper and let this smear a little, then put the chicken on and get well. Cook the rice for 12 minutes and let them rest. Wash the pan and put some margerine on and season the vegetables for 5

Mains Salt Accessories Coconut milk, great canned ...

The onions are peeled and chopped roughly. The butter is melted in a saucepan and the onions are swirled therein. Shortly afterwards, the curry is added, which you do not need to save and the onions are roasting on. 1-2 dl of water are added and the mixture bo

Mains A piece of pork breast or fillet of beef cut into bite-size Fresh or dried chili Iceberg cut into strips ...

Bring the meat in the oil into a pot of 4 liters, then add all the ingredients and let it boil while cooking the rice according to the bag's instructions.

Sides Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Cut onions and spring onions. Bring oil on the forehead and turn on onions / spring onions. Put rice on the forehead and turn around - then water, boullion, finely chopped carrot, mushroom, salt, pepper and soy. Let it boil for 10 minutes and cook the peas. Co

Mains Milk Pepper Pressed garlic at will ...

Start roasting the chicken fillets on a medium pan. (They must not be too crisp, but must be cooked until they are white inside) Meanwhile, stir the tomato puree together with the cream, spices and squeezed garlic. Add some sugar or Beauvais ketchup, as the t