Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red pepper

Soups Chili pepper Oregano Herbal salt/broth ...

Hokaidoen cut and remove the seeds with a spoon. Then a family hokaidoen with Peel and boil in water together with coarsely chopped celery, parsley and onion. When the vegetables are tender blended the soup and season with salt and chili pepper/broth and oreg

Soups Chili pepper Oregano Herbal salt/broth ...

Hokaidoen cut and remove the seeds with a spoon. Then a family hokaidoen with Peel and boil in water together with coarsely chopped celery, parsley and onion. When the vegetables are tender blended the soup and season with salt and chili pepper/broth and oreg

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

All ingredients that can cut, cut into matchsticks, IE. 5 cm x 0.3 cm x 0.3 cm, equivalent to the size of a bean sprout. It is important that the stated objectives are complied with, otherwise it will be the Court of serious (and frying times do not keep).

Mains 2-3 Wheat flour Concentrated tomato ketchup ...

Boil the rice Increased the steaks 2-3 minutes on each side with salt and pepper and put them into the oven at 75 to 100 deg c. use the fat from the pan to a opbagt sauce Cut the garlic very finely and fry it with before you add milk, Cut all the other spices,

Appetizers Pepper Salt Tabasco ...

Cut top of bread and and took most of the insides out with a spoon. Slice the meat and vegetables into fine cubes. Pepper and celery pieces must now FRY in very hot oil. Add the corn and tomato-first and let it roast map. Now add the chili sauce to bind it all

Mains Yellow pepper Beef Cheese ...

slice the bread lengthwise frans will be approximately four to sex pieces put so sauce on and all that good upstairs and into the oven to finish off cheese for cheese is melted Tips: enjoy

Mains Quite a bit of paprika Garlic Pepper ...

Cut up the onion and Brown in a pan with oil. Turkey, and apologise for wells with rose paprika (save not on it) and add and FRY until they are white. Then add the tomatoes and bell pepper, water, salt, pepper. When the whole is good hot, add cream (can be par

Mains A large handful of grated cheese such as parmesan A little bouillon powder Nutmeg ...

The fresh spinach, washed thoroughly in several teams clean water and afdryppes. The coarsest stems removed. Put the spinach leaves in a saucepan with the water, hanging by, and warm the Pan up to the water boils in the bottom. Turn the spinach with two ladle,