Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Hvidkåls main Potatoes Water ...

The animal feed is washed, cut into large cubes and turned into flour mixed with salt and pepper. The grease is heated, the meat is browned, after which the resurrected potatoes, crushed onions and the smaller chopped cabbage are also browned. Boiling water is

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or margarine ...

The rhinoceros are washed, free from obstruction, cleaved on both sides of the spine (easiest with reindeer) and divided into chops (1 rib to each cutlet), knocked and brushed on browned fat for 3 minutes on each side. Cook the pan with water or soup before

Appetizers Dressing Good olive oil Hearts and livers are also suitable to mix in ...

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Spread the anthems or thighs with salt and pepper, turn them into plenty of fresh thyme, place them in the oven, first on the skin side for 15 minutes. Pour the grease off and step for 10 minutes. On the meat side. If hearts

Mains Milk Water Pepper ...

The animal bullet is washed, knocked and the thick obstacles removed. The steps are served with salt and pepper and brushed with some of the fat. Put in oven in frying pan or on grate, brush and brush again after 10 minutes. The boiling liquid is added s

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

coconut milk: Sprinkle the coconut with boiling milk and let the mixture last for 15 minutes. Then pour it into a sieve covered with a thin fabric. Let the wet dripping off. Squeeze the coconut flour well (turn the cloth over), discard it and store it. C

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Divide the chicken into quarters or eighths and rub the pieces with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a saucepan and put the chicken pieces in. Brown them on both sides, dampen the heat, put on the lid and the chicken is tender tender for approx. 45 minutes.

Mains The egg white of 2 eggs Wheat flour Potato flour ...

The meat is cut from the chicken and cut into small square pieces. Flour and some salt and pepper mix together. The chicken pieces are turned into egg whites and flour mixture. Then fry the pieces in oil (friture) at approx. 175 degrees for a few minutes. The

Mains Olive oil Breading Pepper ...

The chicken breasts are cut along lengthwise. The lid is cut well. The onion and the other ingredients (except the eggs) are mixed with the rasp. Turn the chicken pieces into eggs and then into the rasp mix. Stir the pieces in olive oil on the forehea