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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Mild paprika (edelsüss) Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

The cut meat is turned into coiled egg / egg white and milk. Afterwards, the meat is turned into rasp, spicy with peppers, salt and pepper. The meat is browned in plenty of fat. When the meat is browned the heat is damped and cooked for about 20 minutes. on ev

Mains Lemon both Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the schnitzler on both sides with salt and pepper. Chop the almonds roughly. Whip the egg together. Heat the butter on the forehead. Turn the schnitzler in a spoonful of egg and then into chopped almonds. Step them 2-3 min on each side and let them re

Mains A remaining rabbit meat á 250-300 g Chinese soy Oil/butter for frying ...

Cut the meat into thin strips, chopped finely chopped, cut the ripened mushrooms into slices, cut the pepper into thin strips and rinse the bean sprouts in cold water. Lightly grease the lid in oil / butter, the meat is cooked and fry easily. The meat is ta

Mains A residual boiled or fried rabbit meat á 200-300 g Pepper Grated cheese ...

The meat is cut into small cubes, chopped finely and garlic finely chopped. The mixture is placed in a saucepan and heated easily. Broth, paprika and tomato puree are added. It's all cooked slowly until it's even. Season with the spices. Sprinkle the boiled sp

Mains Minced parsley Oil/butter for frying Pepper ...

The rabbit is split into pieces of bread, seasoned with salt and pepper, lightly brushed in oil / butter and put into an ovenproof dish. Keep warm while the sauce is made. The finely chopped onions and crushed garlic can be swirled in a deep pan or pot until r

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The bacon is cut into thin strips. Rabbit mackerel, bacon, finely chopped onions and crushed garlic, brune in butter / oil in a frying pan. The dish is added to the peeled tomatoes with the tomatoes, the tomatoes are light and spices and red wine are added. Th

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

The rabbit is boiled and then cut into fine strips and marinated in a saucepan: Sherry, kikomansoya, crushed garlic, freshly ground pepper, cornamel and stewed ginger. The mixture puts a cool place, if any. In the refrigerator a couple of hours. Make sure all

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/oil for frying ...

The bunny is boned and divided into appropriate pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Brunes lightly and small-sized underneath the lid in plenty of fat, make sure the meat is not burning. The well-sprinkled spinach is spread in a well-baked oven dish. Sprinkle