Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oregano

Mains Wheat flour to jævning Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes peeled and cut into ½ cm slices and boil 10 min. Vegetable saucens ingredients mixed together in a saucepan and simmer for 10 minutes, then season with salt and pepper. skimmed milk is boiled up and smoothed over with a meljævning to it is a thick

Mains Green pepper Salt Oregano ...

Stir the yeast into warm water. Salt mixed into the Dough kneaded Flour mixed in.., after which it splits into 2 and added to raising in 45 min (very important). When the dough has raised the kneaded it a bit and then rolled out to fit a baking sheet. The d

Sides Lemon juice Mealy potatoes Olive oil ...

Potatoes, peeled, cut into cubes/chunks and place in baking dish or bowl. The potatoes are covered half with a mixture of water, oil, lemon juice and sprinkled with spices. Some gruel is in the oven at 200 g. until tender. Stir in the potatoes. Add if necessar

Appetizers Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Hvidløgen chop and FRY in the oil from the tuna (pan with high sides, or pan). The tuna is poured in and FRY for a few minutes. Pour in the tomato. Season with salt and pepper, and oregano if desired, let the Cook some minutes. While this is made, boil pasta a

Mains 1 clove pressed garlic Garlic Olive oil for frying ...

Put the bread soaked in milk. Stir the meat with salt, pepper, bread, eggs and spices to a sufficiently determined father's. Form it into small meatballs and fry them in oil in a frying pan. Grate the cucumber and radishes on the coarse iron in food process

Appetizers Chili Chopped onion Grated cheese such as Emmental or mozzarella ...

cut the aubergines into slices lengthwise Saute Eggplant slices and onion in oil for a few minutes tomateri both and add the cut along with garlic, oregango, chili Sauté a few minutes further Dim put a lid and let the right simmer further to auberginernerne ar

Lunch (depending on how many you want to make) Chopped (organic) tomatoes, canned Wheat flour ...

stir the yeast into the tepid water and put some salt in. Then add the flour and oil. Let dough raise covered in approximately 1/2 hours. Form dough into x number of buns and press them flat on a baking sheet. Let them raise approximately 20 min. then press ag

Mains 15 halved cherry tomatoes Delicatessen paprika Oregano ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces and sauté in the pan for this it is crunchy while the pasta is boiling. Chop the chili fruit fine and FRY this in the Pan along with the pressed garlic clove, paprika, oregano and the halved cherry tomatoes. Mix piskefløden with