Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Grated horseradish Salt ...

Do fish istand. Drizzle it with lemon. The vegetables are cooked and cut into bite-sized pieces. The onion cut into rings. Boil all the vegetables in a large pot with water, Bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and vinegar for about 20 min. Put the fish in the soup,

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato ketchup ...

Brown koteletterne spiced with salt/pepper added in a heat-proof platter. Peel and grate the apples (on the coarse side of the rive iron) Peel and grate the onion (grate on the fine side) mixing with each other and are distributed at koteletterne. advant

Soups Water Onion Leek ...

Peel and rinse the vegetables are cut into smaller pieces. Put the vegetables in a pan and you pour water over so they just covered. The vegetables are cooked tender. The vegetables blended. Add the Mornay sauce and warm the soup through. To the soup

Mains Pasta screws adapted to 4 Pepper Salt ...

Saute the onion and then add the meat. The Brown and the chopped tomatoes added. Pour the cream in conjunction with the sausages which cut out first at last added the cheese out on top of the sauce and do not stir around until it is melted. At the very end sea

Mains Spices after own taste Pepper Salt ...

Hirsen over first with cold water and then poured with boiling water (to remove bitter substances) are cooked in 3 cups water in 20-30 my While hirsen boils, subordinated to the rest of the stuffing: Onion and parsley root rives and chopped fine Sauté in oil/b

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Leeks and onions chopped fine, the rest of the vegetables coarsely torn. Mix the vegetables with the chicken forcemeat. Add the oatmeal and eggs as needed. Season with salt and pepper. Form into meatballs and FRY in pan. Tips: Can be served with fresh p

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Rinse the peppers, share them lengthwise and remove the giblets. Cut them into thin strips. Arrow the onion, and part it into quarters both. Saute bell pepper and onion to the Pan, and fry the chicken fillets map on both sides between onions and peppers. Tag k

Mains Celeriac Pepper Salt ...

Do vegetables able and cut them into strips and saute them in butter in a saucepan. Cod fillet is distributed on 4 pieces of tinfoil and seasoned with salt and pepper. Came the vegetables on top of the fish and fold the aluminium foil to 4 packages. Bake