Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Olive oil Paprika Soy sauce ...

A few hours before dinner, a marinade of olive oil, a garlic clove, soy and peppers is made. Cut the chicken fillet into the tern and place it in the marinade. Put a frying pan on high heat (8). Season bacon and onion for a few minutes and pour the marina

Soups Balsamic vinegar Olive oil Pasta ...

- Chop the vegetables (carrot, onion, celery) on a cutting board - Put them in a large saucepan in a little olive oil for approx. 5 min. - Put tomatoes, chili, oregano, thyme, basil and bay leaves in and cook for 30 minutes. (Remember to stir in the soup) -

Mains Pepper Salt Ginger, crushed ...

Stir the sauce well with the salt, after which all ingredients are finely chopped and add to the dough, add remaining ingredients and put to rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Step on the forehead at low to medium heat. May be lighted by high

Mains Milk Pepper Onion ...

The milk comes to the bottom of a refractory dish. Potatoes, squeezed garlic, finely chopped onions, salt and pepper are layered in the dish. Pour the cream over. The dish should be in the oven for 70 minutes at hot air. tips: The easiest is to buy froz

Lunch Mushroom Chili Green or black olives ...

Tomato sauce: Mix tomato paste, olive oil and spice together in a small bowl. pizza: Sprinkle the pita bread so you have four "pizza buns". Chop onions, mushrooms and olives. Grease tomato sauce in addition to the inside of the bread. Distribute

Mains Chili Curry Olive oil ...

All vegetables should be chopped or rubbed very fine to prevent the dips falling apart during frying. Tear the carrots as small as possible. That way, the "father" makes it easier to hang together because of the weather. Chop onions very well or tear the

Cold cuts Pepper Rye flour Salt ...

Wipe the silt fillets, give them a slice over the back and turn them in rye flour mixed with salt and pepper. Melt the grease and sift the fillets golden. Put them on greasy paper. Mix the layers, give it a boil and let it get cold. Cut the onions into thin

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

This is a law that requires some preparation, but it is heavenly. * Chickpeas and beans should be left in water for 10-12 hours and boiled (in clean water) for about an hour later. I always cook beans and chickpeas in large portions as I freeze. Chickpeas inc