Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Clean, onions, leeks, mushrooms and peppers. Cut onions, mushrooms and leeks into thin rings and pepper in the tern. Put the vegetables on the forehead without taking color and put them in a greased ovenproof dish. Sprinkle the sirloin and cut each sirloin

Mains Various spices Onion Bacon ...

Flake Bacon on a frying pan Spread the raw chopped beef over the bacon, leave a few cm free on one side. Chop well and spread over beef beef. Spices spread over beef and onions, not to be saved as both beef and bacon suck richly, and some disappear with the

Soups Pepper Salt Watercress ...

Soup: Peel and rinse the potatoes and cut them into slices. Peel the onions, cut them roughly, and brush them in the oil without burning them. Let them simmer for so long at low heat that they become bright golden. It takes about 20 min. The long cooking time

Mains Bouillon cube Onion Pepper fruit ...

All vegetables are chopped well and carrots are torn. All vegetables turn in a pan with the oil for approx. 10 min. Add broth and water and simmer for another 10 minutes. Pour the vegetables into a bowl and sweat the meat. Add the vegetables and simmer the di

Mains Broth Pepper Salt ...

Remove if necessary. Fat and tendons from the meat. Peel potatoes and cut them into slices. Pil onion and cut them into slices. Cut the meat into small thin slices. Put the onions in a little butter on a pan. Then brown the meat. Put onion, meat and potatoe

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Season the onions until they are ready. Cool them. Eat the chopped meat with onions and beetroot. Form the meat to 4 steak spiced on both sides with salt and pepper. Put it on the fridge until it is used. Peel potatoes and arrow onion. Cut both pieces into

Mains Mushroom Pepper Salt ...

The oven is turned on 180 degrees Onions are cut and put into a small pan, together with artichokes and mushrooms. Chicken is divided into 4 and put on top with the skin up. Remaining ingredients are mixed together and poured over chicken. 1 hour in th

Mains Pepper Salt Minced or peeled tomatoes ...

Meat: Make sure to drain the meat well, otherwise the dough will be water and can not hold together. Place the meat in a bowl, blend tomato, onion and garlic and add the meat. Salt and pepper and flour until it is firm. Shaped into a baked bread and the baco