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Recipes with Onion

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Eggcake: Cut / chop the vegetables and beat them 5 min. On a pan in a little olive oil. Add the chicken to the tern and let them fry with a couple of minutes. Whip egg, milk, salt pepper and garlic together. Pour the vegetables and chicken into a smaller re

Sides Peas Mushroom Onion ...

Cut the vegetables and add the barley and thyme. Bring all the ingredients on a hot pan and cook it all, at high heat and stirring until the sauce has a creamy consistency. Then taste with salt and pepper. tips: Here are the ingredients of one of Rema's f

Mains Onion Whipped cream Turmeric ...

Fill: On a pan come butter, in which chopped onions and mushrooms are shaken until they are tender - then add the cream. It all boils down to a stew. Sauce: Put the cream in a saucepan and cook to half, add to the turmeric, salt and pepper as needed. Aim

Mains A little cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

Arrow and heel loosened. Melt the grease into a saucepan. Bring the onions and turn them around. 5 min. Give the broth a boil. Bring the rice to the saucepan and let them sweat with a couple of minutes. Pour the cognace in, let it evaporate and season with

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Sliced ​​onions: Start here: Peel red and chopsticks and cut them out in both or half. Put them in a dish and add well with olive oil, salt and pepper. Cover with stanniol and bag them at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for approx. 25-30 minutes until they are tende

Mains Curry Apple juice Green asparagus ...

Cod: The fillets are rinsed and dipped dry. Place the fish in a greased dish with the skin side up, sprinkle some oil over and put the dish in the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for 8-10 min. Then the skin can be easily removed and the cod is seasoned with

Mains Lemon Whipped cream Onion ...

The sea urchin is cut into fillets and the skin and legs are removed. The wreath is easily salted approx. 1 hour. Meanwhile, the herbs are cut into long thin strips. A saucepan is lubricated with butter at the bottom and the herbs are laid in it. The tro

Mains Pepper Salt Celeriac ...

Clean the trout, but do not cut it up. Cut a deep scratch from head to tail on the backside and cut the fillets free from the backside and outwards. As close to the leg as possible. Now cut the back and the side legs away, the fillets still stuck by the head a