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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Mixed herbs at will Olive oil Pepper ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. It can be done easily with the help of an egg splitter! Rinse your herbs and blend them with oil, vinegar, mustard and salt and pepper. The dressing must be quite thick and completely green. Flip it with the sl

Mains A small snippet of bouillon cube Olive oil Pepper ...

Put the turkey chicken in a saucepan with a little oil and add garlic, onions and mushrooms. Turn them well and add parsley, thyme, salt and pepper to the pan. Bring a glass of wine to the pot and when most of the liquid is gone, cream and a corner from a b

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Bring broth, olive oil and sage leaves to the boil, add the turkey sauce and simmer the heat. Let the meat boil for 10 minutes under the lid. Pour the tuna from the tuna and blend it with anchovies and 2 tablespoons of the egg yolk. Add mayonnaise and taste wi

Mains Kødsnor Pepper Salt ...

Pour the parsley and dry it thoroughly. Dry the meat well and sprinkle with salt and pepper lightly. Cut a cut along the meat and put half of the parsley leaves into the fold. Close the meat on the parsley. Stir the meat on the "roastbeef" -facon. Brin

Mains Olive. Blacks. without stones in brine. Parmesan cheese. Reef Pepper ...

Heat a little olive oil in a medium-sized pan and brown turkey sauce well on all sides. Add the crushed garlic and let it sweat shortly. Pour white wine into the pan and let it boil almost away. Now add the cream and mustard. The court must swim quietly for

Mains Pepper Juice and grated to be of ½ lemon Salt ...

Peel the beetroot and brush them with oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and put them in a 200 degree hot oven for approx. 35 minutes. Bank the schnitzlerne with a fist and turn them into eggs first, then in nuts. Stir them golden and crispy in butter on a

Mains Lemon juice Fresh basil White wine vinegar ...

Bank the two kalkunschnitzler thin with a meat hammer and share if necessary. The pieces along. Roll each piece of meat together about a small bar of feta cheese, a few leaves of basil and a little grated lemon peel. Keep them together with a pinch or a toothp

Mains Salt Bamboo shoots. canning. unsalted Green bell pepper ...

Brown the turkey in the oil and pick it up. Then "clear" the bulbs in half-rings and then take up the car "burned off". Meat and onions are poured into the pan together with tomato puree, pineapple juice, mangochutney, salt and half of the peppers in tern a