Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Honey Organic core mix or sunflower seeds ...

Mix water and thick milk and gently heat it in a saucepan, it must not exceed hand heat. Pour it into a dough dish. Stir the yeast into the liquid and add eggs, oil, honey and garlic. Stir the mixture smoothly. Add nuts, almonds, kernels and coarse flour and s

Mains Stuffed Tomatoes Pepper Salad with asparagus ...

Ripe greasy on the right-hand in rudder pattern / tern. Let the fat be golden on a pan or in a steak and brown the right-hand fillet on all sides at good heat for approx. 2-3 minutes in total. Season with salt and pepper. Lay the ladder in a small pan or in

Mains Butter for frying Accessories Shoulders of gotlam or other lamb ...

The upper should be boned, leaving only the femur sides left (please ask the butcher). Remove obstacles and possibly. Thick fat layer. The steps should not be twisted. Let the meat lie at room temperature for at least 1 hour before frying. Lay on top of a w

Mains Hams Pepper Salt ...

Boil a hamburgerryg for low heat for half an hour. Use water or half wine and water added sugar and a pair of laurel leaves. Let the hamburgerry cool off in the soup. Cut a bunch of leeks and 250 g carrots in slices or rods and steam them tenderly. Let them

Mains Oil for brushing Pepper Salt ...

Stir the ingredients for the BBQ sauce together and allow it to drain for at least 1 hour. One half of the sauce is to be used during the grilling process and the other half as a dip sauce for the cooked meat. Prepare the salad in good time. It will be b

Mains Pepper Salt Coarsely grated green cucumber ...

Season the cucumbers with salt and let them stand for 15 minutes. Turn them completely free of water in a dish and mix it in the quark with oil and pepper. Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices, but do not cut through the bottom potato still hanging to

Mains A little dried thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the white cabbage well. Heat some oil into a thickened pot and fry the curry. Add the cabbage and turn down the flask. Stir under stirring for approx. 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Cook the rice according to the instructions on the packaging.

Mains Ground pepper Juice of ½ lemon Garlic ...

All ingredients for marinade are whipped together and put in bag with the chops and pull for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator. Season with salt and roast under grill for 3-4 minutes on each side. Server with pasta salad or rice.