Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Fresh ginger, grated Shoulder of pork, approx. 9 ½ kg Fresh red chilies, or 1 teaspoon dried chilli, flaked ...

Preheat the oven to maximum heat. Mix garlic, ginger, chili, oil and vinegar into a paste and rub it on the pig's scratch Save a little to pour into the bottom of the pan. Brown the meat in the oven with the swollen side up for 30 minutes. Turn down to 120 deg

Mains Balsamic vinegar Cotton yarn Bovklump without severe and ben, ca. 1.5 kg ...

Order the meat at the butcher. Put the wheat kernels in soft in 2 dl water for approx. 24 hours in refrigerator. Half the cherry tomatoes and style them in the oven at 90 ° for 2 hours. Pour all 50 garlic and turn them into a little oil. Pour them int

Lunch Egg for brushing Balsamic reduction Bread, such as durum flutes ...

Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Tureen Brown the pork tenderloin in a small saucepan - first with the greasy side down. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell

Mains EVS. edible flowers, such as plate-swatters Pepper Salt ...

The meat Bring the meat to a saucepan. Add ½ l of cold water and bring to a boil. Foam and add spices and vegetables in large tern. Put on the lid and cook at low heat for 5 hours. Let the meat cool in the soup. Put the meat on a plate. Season with salt and p

Salads Cumin seeds Dried dill Iceberg in fine strips ...

The ingredients of the dressing are blended and poured over the salad.

Mains White pepper Salt Black pepper ...

Cut the crust of the French bread slices and drip the slices with a little water. Roll the onions and chop them nicely. The dried chili pepper is also chopped well. Leave the onions to be golden in 2 tablespoons. oil. Mix the chopped meat, the sliced ​​Fren

Lunch Balsamic reduction EVS. ½ tbsp oil Movies ...

portion Collations Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Brown it in a small pot - first down the grease. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell pepper cut into smal

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

The aubergines are washed and halved lengthwise. The long stalk is removed and the shards are brushed with lemon juice. Onion and garlic are peeled and chopped well. Let the oil warm on a frying pan and leave half the onions and garlic golden in it. Bring t