Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Soups Pepper Salt Cream ...

Turn the courgette and the onion in olive oil in a saucepan with the onions are clear. Add the broth and season with salt and pepper. Let Cook 5-8 minutes and blend soup in the pot with a hand blender. Add a bit of cream, garnish, if desired. with choppe

Salads Lettuce leaves Tomato slices Freshly ground pepper ...

Crack squashene lengthwise and Blanch them in boiling, salted water for 5 minutes. Scratch selling the pulp concerned out and put the squash shells with upside-down, so væden can run from. Cut the selling the pulp concerned into cubes and mix it with avocado c

Salads Lettuce leaves Olive oil Plain yogurt ...

Stir the first four ingredients together. Add the squashen and mix everything well. The salad be cold and served on crisp lettuce leaves.

Salads Lettuce leaves Groftmalet pepper Salt ...

Mix a marinade of oil, vinegar and spices. Boil the potatoes until they are firm and tender, they don't cook out. Cut them into slices and put them in a bowl with some of the marinade. Style the cold. Cut beans into 5 cm. length, boil them in salted water u

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice and grated to be thereof ...

Squashene chop into paper thin slices and blanched in boiling water for a moment. Let them drain well and cool completely. Whip up a marinade of olive oil, lemon juice, grated lemon zest, oregano and salt and pepper to taste. Turn the marinade along with squas

Mains Freshly ground pepper Wholemeal bread Coarse salt ...

Remove membranes from liver. Rinse and dry it well. Cut it into 16 pieces. Put liver and chalotteløg in a bowl. Marinade: whisk white wine vinegar with salt and pepper. Whisk the oil in little by little. Add the parsley and chives. Pour the marinade over th

Dressing Light wine vinegar Dry sherry or vermouth Olive oil ...

Mix the wine with oil, vinegar and all the herbs and peberfrugten. Average squashene lengthwise into thin strips. Boil them for a low heat in a little water in 4 minutes, until tender but still crisp. Let them drain well in a sieve and Pat them dry in paper to

Appetizers Tabasco Groftmalet pepper Cauliflower head ...

Cut in slices, squashen peberfrugten in long thin strips, and part b the cabbage in bouquets. Boil all other ingredients in a pan and add the vegetables. Turn down the heat, and simmer until tender, but not mashed. Came the mixture in the bowl or jar and cover