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Recipes with Olive oil

Salads Blue cheese Pepper Raisins ...

Cut the stalk of julesalaten and rinse leaves in cold water. Dry them and put them in a bowl. Wash and cut them into thin pigeoner both cored. Put them on the salad. Whisk the lemon juice together with Olive oil, salt and pepper and turn it in. Serve

Sides Freshly ground pepper Minced parsley Salt ...

Cut the squash into slices. Chop the onion and garlic. Sauté onions in olive oil until they are clear. Add the squash, garlic and chopped aromatic vegetables and sauté everything 2-3 minutes over high heat. Turn on the oven. Set the at 175 degrees c. alm

Sides Freshly ground pepper Minced parsley Salt ...

Cut the squash into slices. Chop the onion and garlic. Sauté onions in olive oil until they are clear. Add the squash, garlic and chopped aromatic vegetables and sauté everything 2-3 minutes over high heat. Turn on the oven. Set the at 175 degrees c. alm

Mains Squash in half sliced Coarse salt Olive oil ...

Ingredients dough: stir together and grow old together. Rest 1/2 hour. Divide the batter into the pie plate 22 cm in diameter lined with baking paper. Squeeze the dough well up by the edges. Prick dough with a fork before baking. PRE-BAKED: ca. 25 minutes

Sides Pepper Salt Celeriac ...

Peel celery and cut it in July enner. The same must leeks and carrots. Heat a pan and add the oil. Saute the vegetables about 5 mins. There must be a little bite in them. Cruiser with salt and pepper. serve immediately.

Mains Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Multen filleted and scales scraped by (get the fishmonger to it), the inside cleaned the of membranes and pins in the back removed with a fish seaweed. Multen cut into serving pieces and the skin is cut, possibly. at intersections. FRY in oil on the skin si

Sides Chopped Basil Olive oil Pepper ...

Rinse mushrooms thoroughly under water. Cut the stem off. Turn the mushrooms in olive oil, and set them on the forehead with his head down. Sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper. Rose at very low heat, until the juice rises. Serve.

Mains Pepper Salt Tomatoes ...

Chicken fillets with a knock, events. A tablespoon. cream cheese placed on each chicken fillet and greased out. On top of the cheese, a slice of bacon. Chicken fillets rolled together on the filling and fastened with a kødnål. Rensens vegetables and cut into r