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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Lemon juice Freshly ground pepper Olive oil ...

Mix the ingredients for the marinade and leave the chops here for an hour, but take them out of the fridge a quarter before cooking (it is important not to grill them cold). Step / grill them approx. Two minutes on each side above the glow. Dry if necessary

Mains Garlic Gorgonzola Olive oil ...

Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry mushrooms in slices approx. 5 min. Add the pressed garlic and turn another 5 min. Stir cream in. Boil and cook for 1 min. Stir Gorgenzola i. Heat gently until the cheese melts. Do not boil. Add salt and pepper and mix wit

Mains Nutmeg Eggplant Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Cut the eggplant and potatoes into thin slices. Place potato slices in a pan of boiling water, add salt. Put eggplant in a barrel or sift the pot with potatoes. Put on the lid and boil potatoes for 8 minutes. Put the diced eggplant and potatoes in a greased ov

Mains Pepper Salt Lettuce head URf.eks. rocola-salad ...

Cut the beef tenderloin into the thin slices of the saucepan - get any. Butcher to do it on the applicator. Put the meat slices on a dish or on 4 plates. The dish or plates are first lubricated with a little olive oil. Season the meat slices with salt and p

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Brown the beef tenderloin on all sides in butter and oil on the forehead. Season with salt and pepper. Take the loaf of the forehead and let it cool. Meanwhile, the thawed butter dough is rolled onto a flour-coated tabletop. The dough is rolled out into a s

Soups Olive oil TSP Onion ...

The yogurt is added to a drain through a coffee filter for approx. 1 hour. The lenses are rinsed well in lukewarm water. The lid is chopped roughly and done in the oil. The pressed garlic is added and shuffled for a short while. Lentils, tomatoes, mint,

Mains Blue cheese Grated lemon rind Black pepper ...

The phasan is rinsed and dried. Parma ham and pork cut into small cubes. Salad leaves are chopped well and mixed with ham, pork, salt and lemon peel. The phasan is rubbed inside with salt, filled in and the pheasant is sewn. The oven is heated to 220 ° C. T

Mains Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

Cut the eggplant into slices and put them in a sieve with salt. Cut the onions in both and the garlic cloves in slices. Cut peppers and courgette into cubes. Stir onions, peppers and zucchini in a little oil in a thickened pot over low heat. Rinse the sa