Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Fresh Sage Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into 10 thin slices and knock it lightly with the palm of the hand. Sprinkle the slices with salt, pepper and freshly prepared parmesan cheese and put on a few sage leaves. Put a slice of parma ham on each piece of meat and stick it with meat need

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Allspice ...

Cut the calves into smaller pieces and cut the vegetables. Heat oil and butter in a pan and brown tails. Add the vegetables, a little salt, pepper and broth. Let it simmer under the lid for 2-2½ hours until the meat is tender. Remove the meat, terminate

Mains Kitchen string Pepper Salt ...

Season the spices thoroughly and mix with parmesan, rasp, salt and pepper. The cheese is cut into fingertip slices. The fillet is cut halfway through. Fill the opening with the parmesan mixture and the cheese slices. The meat is wrapped together and hinged wit

Mains Pepper Salt Wild rice ...

Boil the rice as indicated on the package. Sprinkle the cutlets with mustard and turn them into spices with spices. Stir the chops in the butter for 4-5 min. on every side. Stir the ingredients to the sauce together and let the sauce pull in the fridge. Sprink

Mains Powerful herbs; thyme, bay leaf, garlic, shallots Pepper Salt ...

Came the powerful herbs and like a few peppercorns, in a saucepan or sautépande with white wine and olive oil. Boil. Poke the meat approx. 15 minutes. Take it up and let it pull. Cut the mixed summer herbs into smaller pieces. Stir the meat on a very hot gr

Mains Oregano, dried Pepper Salt ...

Put the spinach in the refrigerator for thawing the day before or thaw it. Up in the microwave. Cook chopped garlic in butter and add thinned, chopped spinach. Sprinkle flour into spinach and add milk. Let it boil 2-3 min and season with salt and pepper.

Mains Oregano Eggs Lemon ...

Put the spinach in the refrigerator for thawing the day before or thaw it. Up in the microwave. Calf Carrots: Mix chopped veal with finely chopped onions, eggs, capers and chopped sardellas. Spice with pepper. Let the father rest while preparing the accesso

Appetizers EVS. tomato vinegar Little green mild chili Olive oil ...

Beat the egg yolks with a little lemon juice and a little salt. Stir the olive oil in a little while. Blend this mayonnaise with tuna, capers and anchovies. Taste with calf slice, pepper, lemon juice like tomato diced and possibly. salt. Cut pepper, garlic