Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Sides Carrots and squach minced Oil Pepper ...

Pour the water from the beans and put them in fresh water, with garlic, porridge, laurel and thyme. Put the lid on the pan and cook more for approx. 30 minutes. Bring 1 tablespoon salt and let them finish in the water for approx. 5 minutes. Clean the veget

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Dissolve yeast in water (about 30 degrees C). Mix the rest with the water, but keep flour on the floor. Eat the dough very much - and sprinkle a little flour and cut a spoon and let the dough rise for some cellophane for half an hour. Roll the dough thin

Mains Turmeric Prepared safranris Black pepper ...

Herbal pot of beef and red beans and dried limes. A very delicious and traditional Iranian pot. To be enjoyed with safranris. Put sabzi gormeh in soft water 2 hours before. Chop the onions well and season them in the oil until golden. Bring the meat and brown

Mains Sugar Iranian saffron Boiling water ...

This kind of rice called "Polow" or "Chelow" is the rice you eat with most casseroles or grilled dishes. Remember that in Iran you eat rice as an accessory to meat, fish or chicken just as you eat potatoes here in Denmark for food. So rice is an important part

Appetizers Oil Salt Black pepper ...

Cook chopped onions in oil with medium heat until golden. Add the chopped beef and brown it. Add 1/2 cup of water, salt, pepper and tomato paste. Stir in the pan and mix it until the water / mixture begins to boil let simmer until water is evaporated. Wash and

Desserts (warm) Orange sauce 1 serving = 2 pancakes Salt Orange juice ...

Pancakes: Dry the ingredients evenly with water / beer and milk. Egg yolks and oil are added and the dough rests for 30 minutes in a refrigerator. After that, the egg whites are whipped stiff and turned into the dough. Put the pancakes in butter. Apple s

Bread, buns & biscuits Meldon salt Oil Porter ...

Dissolve yeast in gates Add salt Whip spelt flour in Whip durummel in Let it rest for 10 minutes Stir the flour in Raise an hour Butter the surface with oil Sprinkle some light on Behind 200 gr. 25 minutes

Bread, buns & biscuits Garlic Salt Oil ...

Put the baking mold on the weight and route / add the ingredients in the order described. Program basic browning dark