Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced parsley

Soups Minced parsley Salt and raw sugar Vegetable broth ...

The onions are chopped finely and Brown lightly in oil. Boiling broth is poured in, and the soup boil for 10 minutes. Tomato puree and cream are added and the soup tasted, if desired. with salt and raw sugar. Franskbrøds slices cut into small cubes and roasted

Mains Or Rumpsteak Peder Salt ...

chicken and peel the tomatoes and free them for kernels. cut the tomato flesh into narrow strips. make champinongerne able and cut them in slices. Remove kernels from pederfrukten and cut it into thin URstrimler.pil the onion and chop it finely. melt the butte

Sides Grated cheese at will Chopped Basil Chopped dill ...

Scrub karfoflerne well and dry them and put them in a baking dish. Put in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 -45 min (I thought that goes over an hour and a quarter!) or until tender. Cut a lid of each and remove the potato mass out. The moses and stirred with but

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes peeled and boiled for approximately 15 minutes and then cut into slices. In a heat-proof dish or a small baking pan about 20 x 30 cm shall be first a layer of potato slices sprinkled with salt, then a layer cod fillets sprinkled pepper, and finall

Sides Cream el 1 dl milk + egg eggs only if using milk Minced parsley Garlic ...

Coúgetterne torn roughly and salted lightly, after 5 min squeezed the water out through a cloth. The onion chopped and gyldnes in oil, together with coúgetterne, the rest is added. When the mixture is warmed through in a heat-proof platter, the accepted sprink

Lunch Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta according to instructions on the package and pour væden. warm 3 tablespoons. oil in a frying pan and add the chopped onions and garlic and finsnittet fennel. Sauté in 5 min. (must only ta a bit color) add potato cubes and sauté enu 3 min take th

Mains Oil for frying Salt Minced parsley ...

Brown Meat in hot oil * * the oil poured from * Meat sprinkled with flour and sauté onions * afbages white wine added and boils down to approx. half * Add pressed garlic, tomato puree and salt * ´ Cloud/broth added to the meat is covered and brasieres under th

Mains Minced parsley Wheat flour Pepper ...

Flæskes cut into fairly thick slices, as for the chops. Turn the first koteletterne in this together beaten eggs, then in flour and finally in bread crumbs mixed tul with salt and pepper. Rose koteletterne on a low heat 4-5 minutes on each side. Peas