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Recipes with Minced parsley

Mains Chopped scallions Minced parsley Onion, chopped ...

The oven must be preheated. Set to 180 c. The oil is heated in a pan. Then add onion, garlic and spring onion. Stir these together for one minute and then add spinach, parsley and salt & amp; pepper. Stir for a minute or until the mixture is hot. Remove

Cold cuts Dill Pepper Chives ...

The salmon is chopped roughly and stirred with egg yolks, whipped cream and mustard, and season with salt and pepper. A little bit of the chopped herbs are finally stirred. The herbs are flushed cut into thin strips (julienne) and given a light boiling poin

Mains Fat for frying Pepper Parsley ...

Stir the salt and pepper-sliced ​​sirloin steaks for a few minutes on each side of butter or oil on a pan. Remove them from the forehead and turn parsley, mustard, grated french bread and almonds into. Stir and spread it on the steaks. Pasta the pasta in leach

Mains A little oil for frying Minced parsley Wheat flour ...

Fill: Stir butter, rasp, estragon, garlic and parsley together to fill in the pork tenderloin. Cut pork tenderloin and cut halfway along. Season it with salt and pepper and fill it with the spice mixture. Close the pork tenderloin and tie with cotton yarn.

Mains Lemon juice Finhakket onions Potatoes ...

Wash the potatoes thoroughly and divide them along. Cut approx. 4 potato boats of each half potato. Put the potatoes in a large refractory dish. Mix oil and lemon juice and brush the top potato boats. Sprinkle salt over the potatoes. Stir all the ingredi

Mains Finely chopped shallots White wine vinegar Fish broth ...

Place the salmon in a small greased ovenproof dish and sprinkle lemon juice over it. Stir the butter together with bread, chopped onions and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Grease the mixture on the top of the fish. Pour fish broth and white wine v

Mains Lemon juice A little wheat flour Oil to freely ring ...

Boil the potatoes in lather salted water. Wipe the potatoes and purify them. Heat 25 g butter and season the onions. Put the salmon in the pan, add wine and ½ dl water, a little salt and pepper and let it dry approx. 5 minutes until it feels firm. Cool the sal

Cold cuts Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

The salmon is chopped fine and then mixed with the other ingredients. Set cold for approx. 30 min. Eaten with bread.