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Recipes with Minced beef

Appetizers Chili – as needed Oil for deep frying Water ...

Procedure: The dough • Mix flour, water and salt together in a bowl and knead together until the dough gets stuck. • The dough is divided into 4 equal bowls. • Each bowl is slightly rolled out. • Then pour some oil on each "pancake" and oil the oil

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Boil the pasta with a little salt and oil. Form the beef into small bowls and put them on a pan with some oil. Take them off the forehead. Cut the tomatoes in half and throw them on the forehead. Mash them on the forehead and add basil (lightly chopped), an

Mains Chili Olive oil for frying (used only if used very very meat) Paprika ...

Brown meat, onions and mushrooms smmen with spices and crushed garlic. Add the peppers and brown them a little, then add the peeled tomatoes and simmer for a moment. Then add water and broth and let it boil. When boiling, peas and corn come in, and the dishes

Mains 1-2 dl. water Burritto mix. (can be purchased in fx. NET) Champingoner. (according to taste) ...

Start by brushing the bacon, do not get crispy and put on greasy paper. Chop the onions well and put them in the pan with the oil. When they are light brown, then add the meat and stir well as it easily burns. Then bring the spices and stir until it has b

Mains Water Pepper White cabbage ...

Turn the meat into a large saucepan. Cut cabbage, potatoes and carrots roughly (as you please). Put it all in the pan and add water to half the contents of the pan and add salt, pepper and curry. Let it boil for about 20 minutes. (Depending on how rough it i

Mains Peper Salt Basil ...

Brown the meat in a saucepan. Chop the red onions as fine as they are pulled and cut the 12 olives into rings. Forge the red onion, Olive and the peeled tomatoes together with the browned meat. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Squeeze the garlic in the pan. Add th

Soups Pepper Salt Ground cumin ...

Heat a large grinding-saucepan and turn onions, leeks and beef until the meat is browned on all sides. Add the pepper, carrots and the whole stem of lemongrass. Stir the curry and soy in and let it swim for a moment. Add coconut milk and broth. Boil the sou

Mains Various spices Minced beef Garlic ...

Share the squash in 2 Pour the squash and put the farseen in. Put grated cheese on top. Squashne is done when the cheese is Golden / dark brown.