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Recipes with Maizenamel

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon-encountered Maizenamel Fennel ...

Bring on the day before the 1 ½ litres of water to a boil with sugar, as well as the 200 gr. frozen raspberries. Boil the peeled pears easily here (poached) in 12-15 minutes. Be sure that the pears are tender. Cool it all and let the pears get into this brine

Mains EVS. ½ slice celery (50-60 g) Broken bones and trimmings from the saddle Pepper ...

Venison broth: Makes the vegetables and chop them coarsely in a position or cut them into small cubes. Warm the butter in a pan and Brown well first leg and trimmings, so the vegetables in it. Pour the water and let it boil up. Foam well and add the bay leaf,

Mains Pepper Salt Maizenamel ...

Turkey Breast seasoned with salt and pepper and Brown in oil in a pan. The breast is taken up. Carrots cut into slices, and red onions in quarters is split into pieces. Both Sauté in pan. Now add the chest, Rosemary and water. It's all some gruel is, cov

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon Egg yolks Maizenamel ...

Mix cold milk, corn flour and saccharin in a pan. When the mixture boils, remove from heat and add beaten egg yolk. Pipe quietly around until the mixture is smooth. Pour into a bowl with marie biscuits along the edge. When cream pudding is cold, add the cinnam

Mains Potatoes Maizenamel Parsley ...

Prepare a large "Pocket" in skinkemignonen, which added parsley and 1 clove garlic that has been split into 2. Lace skinkemignonén with household cotton string or yarn. Skinkemignon Sauté in olive oil and cumin are added, while FRY. When skinkemignonen is n

Mains White pepper Salt Chicken broth (bouillon cube + water) ...

Poul standards cleaned well. Freed from the skin. The 4 poulard breasts and a bit of lårkødet is cut of, plumped out, placed on a buttered piece of parchment paper. Mushrooms, dill and onion chopped fine, sauté in butter tilsmages with salt and pepper, cool

Mains A little green Maizenamel Pepper ...

All the meat is cut from the hull. Total fat and skin is cut away. The pure poulardkød cut into appropriate pieces. The sauce: All the vegetables are cleaned. The carrots cut into slices, halved mushrooms, onions and bell peppers cut into strips. The whole

Cold cuts Homemade grovboller Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

150-200 gr. real trout or laksekød cut into fine strips, and are added to the page to add the layered in pateén. 600 gr of flesh is run through a meat grinder. Forcemeat is touched: the minced fish meat, add maizenamel. The two whole eggs stirred in. Add th