Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lime juice

Sides Pepper Salt White onions ...

Cut the tomatoes in both, slice the kernels and the Green stem end off of each boat, cut them into strips and then into small cubes. Arrow onion and garlic and chop it finely. Crack chili peberne and scrape the white grains out. Cut it into tiny cubes. Mix the

Drinks (warm) Champagne or sparkling white wine Limes Water ...

Dilute lime juice with a little water and freeze in ice cube trays or the fluid bags. Rinse and dry lime fruits and cut them into slices, which is split into 4. Set high glass cool, if necessary. an hour or so in the freezer. Advantage ice cubes and fruit slic

Mains Salt Cayenne pepper Chili ...

Start with the pill the prawns, remove gut string and cut a deep cut in the back, so they may surface out. Blend yogurt, lime juice, garlic, ginger, chili, cayenne pepper, and salt to a smooth mass. Put the prawns in spicy mass and let them soak for at least 2

Mains Lime juice Pepper Salt ...

Animal hakkekødet molded to 4 steaks which are wrapped with bacon. The bacon be fastened with a toothpick. Seasoned with crushed juniper berries and salt and pepper to taste. The steaks are seared by good heat in butter 3-4 minutes on each side. Boiled pota

Soups Fish sauce Chili (split) Lemon grass (cut as matches) ...

Came the water in a saucepan and add Shallots, root, fish sauce and lemon galanka grass brought to the boil, and boil about 3 min. Add the prawns and cook for 1 min. Add lemon leaves, lime juice and Chili's and cook again ca. 1 min. Court and served i

Soups Coriander leaves for garnish Fresh green chili pepper, freed from seeds and cut into thin slices Fresh red chili pepper, freed from seeds and cut into thin slices ...

Arrow the prawns, and remove the dark vein on the back. Save the prawns. Warm the oil in a wok, shrimp shells came in and FRY, stirring occasionally, until they have skiftetfarve. Pipe Foundation in, bring to the boil, and simmer 20 minutes. SI Fund, and po

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Parsley root, peeled and cut into about 2 cm cubes. The onion cut into slices and Apple cut into 2 cm cubes. Vegetables and fruit fry in oil in a sauté pan with lid. Juice and pepper sprinkled over and water and lime juice poured over. Vegetables some gruel is

Dressing Pepper Salt Fresh ginger ...

Cut the lemon grass into thin slices. Got Lemongrass, garlic, ginger, pineapple juice and lime juice in a mini chopper and blend it all for a few minutes. Add the paprika and blend on to tahinen are beaten out. Add rest of the ingredients and blend again sligh