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Recipes with Lemon

Porridge & gruel Lemon EVS. Crystal granulated sugar Fruit juice ...

The water to the boil. The washed grains added under stirring. The porridge boil about 1 hour, covered, on low heat and stirring occasionally. Cured at no.

Appetizers Lemon Salt Sugar ...

Remove any veins and impurities from the cold liver and cut it into pieces of 1 x 1 cm. add white wine, grated truffle, sugar, a little salt and lemon juice, stir together, place in a bowl and warmed in the passports or water bath at 120 Gr. approx. 30 min. Ma

Drinks (warm) Lemon Brown rum Cloves, whole ...

Syrup: Oranges and lemons cut into slices and småkoger together with the remaining parts in 5 minutes. The syrup is cooled-like a 24-hour with whole spices etc.-and then sieved. The recipe provides approx. 3 dl of finished syrup. The ingredients brought to

Drinks (warm) The grated Peel and juice of l Orange White wine Red wine ...

Pour the two kinds of wine in a saucepan and stir in the citrus juice and Peel, tea, sugar and spices in. Let it all Cook very slowly up for low heat until it is just below boiling point. Then take the Pan from the heat, rum or brandy are added, and the punch

Mains Pepper Salt Ginger, fresh ...

Fillet of Brown in a little oil and sprinkled with thyme, lemon zest and grated ginger and seasoned with salt and pepper. The potatoes are washed, cut into both and rolled in chopped Turkey bacon and garlic, dysses with salt and place in baking dish along w

Pickling Lemon Oranges Gelling powder ...

Oranges and lemons, washed and peeled with a potato peeler. Peal is cut into fine strips (possibly on food-processor). The strips are boiled in water for 15 minutes. The white membranes are removed from the fruit flesh, which is cut into small pieces. Place

Pickling Oranges Lemon Gelling powder ...

Oranges and lemons, washed and peeled with a potato peeler. Peel's loved ones in fine strips (possibly on food-processor). The strips are boiled in water for 15 minutes, The white membranes are removed from the fruit flesh, which is cut into small pieces. Plac

Mains EVS. cold water and salt Eggs Lemon ...

Provisioning: Fish pages cut lengthwise and crosswise into cubes of 1 x 1 cm. so that the meat is still bogged down in the skin. Fishing pages lay stretched out in the dish, sprinkled lightly with salt, that end added lemon græstop crushed with the back of a k