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Recipes with Lemon

Mains Pepper Salt Coriander seeds ...

Potatoes: Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Clean the potatoes and halve them. Cut the tomatoes. Put potatoes and tomatoes between each other in a greased ovenproof dish. Blend 3 tbsp. Oil, lemon juice, garlic, almonds, 1/2 bunch of parsley, salt and pepper for

Mains Chili Milk as needed Oil ...

Peel the potatoes, cut into smaller pieces and cook them. Row the carrots directly into a refractory dish and spread it on the bottom. Peel the skull of lemon and sprinkle it over the carrots. Sprinkle chili over. Cut the salmon into mundane pieces and spr

Pickling Lemon Water Vanilla pod ...

Here's how to do: 1.Create the honey, apples in small tern, water, cane sugar and cereal and vanilla pole in a saucepan 2.Let it boil until it's tender - it takes about 30 minutes 3.Add lemon juice 4.Come it on atamon-stained glass 5.It tastes good for che

Drinks (warm) Hot water Lemon Sugar ...

First take half a lemon and squeeze the juice into a cup. Then you put sugar into and eventually pour warm water into the cup. tips: Stir in the lemon juice.

Salads Determine the amount of cucumber Lemon Galia melon ...

Observe the spinach thoroughly and put it in a bowl. Cut the melon out for approx. 2x2 cm. And put them in the bowl. Cut the tomatoes out for approx. 2x2 cm. And also put these in the bowl. Squeeze the juice from the half lemon over the salad and turn it ar

Snacks Olive oil Salt Lemon ...

Rinse and peel the potatoes and then slice them into thin slices. (Use a salami cut, if necessary). Now you must grind garlic and lemon, remember on both sides. Put the fat (we used olive oil) and the potatoes a little, they must NOT be brown. Now they should

Soups Lemon Fresh parsley Toasted toast ...

Chop loose well and put them in the oil for about 3 minutes. Put the liner and stir well. Pour the hot water over and lower the heat. 20 min after whip the lens with an electric whip for approx. 5 min. Then broth, chopped parsley, salt and cumin. Let the sou

Mains Lemon TeX mex spice Tarteletter ...

First, cut the avocados and pour them into a bowl, peel the garlic and add cream fry, salt and lemon to the bowl and blend it all. Stir the meat and add spice when the meat is browned. Add the cheese and stir the meat for 5 minutes. Let the pot cool for 10 m