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Recipes with Leeks

Mains Asparagus Cream White wine ...

helleflynderen be made clean and scraped well on the skin. then cut a few pockets in the flesh at the Brown page, from the anchovies and outward cut them as big as it can be done without making hole in the Pocket by the Finns, and at the ends, put some salt

Mains Aromat Oil Pepper ...

Lubricate the pieces of oil with a little oil Put the rucola salad in small slices of shredded carrot and 3 slices of tomato Sprinkle with a little salt On top of it, put the pangasius fillet, sprinkled with salt and pepper Upstairs again salad pears carro

Mains Freshly ground pepper Solve rice Leeks ...

Remove the skins and legs from the chicken pieces and cut the meat into thin strips. Melt half of the butter in a sauce pan with high heat, but it does not burn. Season half of curry, onion, apple and chicken meat for approx. 2 min. Pour the mixture into a bow

Mains Chinese soy sauce Chicken breast Solve rice ...

Cut the chicken breast into strips. Steam the meat for 2-3 min. In hot oil, without color. Add thin porcelain where most of the green is taken. In addition, thin slices of celery, finely chopped onion and finely chopped Chinese cabbage or white cabbage. Steam

Soups Bacon cubes Pepper Salt ...

The cuts are cut into slices, potatoes and onion cut into cubes. Boil the vegetables in broth in a large pot until they are very tender - approx. 25 min. Blend it all to a creamy consistency. Heat up again and add the piquant cheese to the flakes. Stir until

Mains Milk Squas Broccoli ...

Clean the vegetables and cut them into smaller pieces. Warm 1 tbsp. Oil in a deep pan or wok. Shake the cashew nuts until they are brown. Take them off the heat and put them on a plate. Pour 1 more spoon. Oil on the forehead and peel the turkey until the meat

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into slices. The puppies are made, rinsed and cut into rings. Potatoes and pears are boiled in salt water and refluxed for 3 minutes. Then the water is poured and they are layered in a greased gratin. The turkey breast is cut i

Mains Meat from a ½ boiled chicken Skinless Pepper Salt ...

Place the pasta in a refractory dish. Peel the chicken meat and cut it into small pieces. Cut the peppers into small pieces and spread it with the chicken in the pasta. Cut the slices into thin slices. Put water, cooking cream, fresh cheese and salt and pepp