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Recipes with Leeks

Mains Pepper Salt Almonds ...

Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and marinate it in 2 tablespoons. Chinese soy an hour time. Rinse and dirt almonds. Clean the vegetables, chop the onions and chop the leeks, carrots and spring onions in slices / rings. Cut chili into small pieces.

Mains Onion Grated cheese Red pepper ...

Pasta boils. Cut all the vegetables. Brown the bulbs in a pan and then the meat until it is brown. The vegetables are served with garlic. Another saucepan is used to be used for the sauce. Flow the cream with garlic and cheese and add to it. Add a vegetable

Mains Pepper Salt Grated lemon rind ...

Clean the pores and cut into rings. Vaporize them shortly add some salt and pepper as well as grated lemon peel. Cut the cod fillets into pieces of pieces. Step them with butter and olive oil for 3-4 min. Beat the cod with lemon butter. Server potatoes

Mains Eggs Dijosennep Chopped tarragon ...

Roll the thawed butter dough onto a floured table. Put a piece of salmon on each plate, butter with mustard and sprinkle the estragon on. Brush the edge with egg pan and then fold the dough over. Push the edges with a fork. Bake them in the oven at 180 degree

Sides A little Sage leaves Pepper Salt ...

Bring bulgur in boil in the bouillon with the cut leeks. Let it boil for 8 minutes. And pull for 5 min. Turn cranberries, pumpkin seeds and chopped parsley in and taste with chilisovs. Just before serving, turn the washed salad in.

Mains Wholemeal bread Mashed potatoes Pepper ...

Brown the pieces of meat well on all sides of the fat in a frying pan. Take them up and then brown the pilled onions. Also, take them up and save them at last. Bring the meat back into the pan and add laurel leaves, beer and water. Let it boil well for 1 hour.

Soups Pepper Salt Cauliflower ...

All vegetables are cleaned and made Onion peas and peppers are cut into small terns, the rest of the vegetables are cut into "mouth-shaped" pieces. The bacon is roasted. When the bacon nuts are well fried, the curry quickly burns with the bacon. Onions and

Soups Boiled potatoes or wholemeal bread and mustard Kraftben for soup Celery ...

Bring the meat into a large soup pot and pour water on, the sauce is covered. Bring it in boil and foam. Add the various cleaned vegetables as well as spices. Let it boil for low heat for a couple of hours, but take the vegetables out of the pan as they are co